PINNATE中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
Pinnation - Wikipedia
A simple pinnate (unipinnate) frond of the fern Blechnum appendiculatum. Pinnation (also called pennation) is the arrangement of feather-like or multi-divided features arising from both sides of a common axis.
Plant Morphology: Types Of Compound Leaves - American …
Is your compound leaf pinnate or palmate? And if it's pinnate, is it pinnate odd, pinnate even, or twice pinnate? Find the answers easily with this illustrated guide.
pinnate是什么意思_pinnate的翻译_音标_读音_用法_例句_爱词霸 …
pinnate - 百度百科
羽状复叶 - 百度百科
小叶在叶轴的两侧排列成羽毛状称为羽状复叶(pinnate)。 3枚以上的小叶排列在叶轴的左右两侧,呈羽毛状,如蚕豆、月季等的叶。 羽状复叶又因叶轴分枝的情况,可分为一回、二回、三回或多回羽状复叶。
Pinnate, Bipinnate, Tripinnate, Pinnatifid - Master Gardeners of ...
2023年10月19日 · Pinnate is derived from the Latin word pinnatus or feathered. Indeed, in a leaf with pinnate venation the secondary veins are spaced along the central midvein in a feathered pattern. A pinnate leaf can be simple, where the blade is undivided, or compound , divided into leaflets arranged along an axis or rachis like a feather.
Pinnate Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of PINNATE is resembling a feather especially in having similar parts arranged on opposite sides of an axis like the barbs on the rachis of a feather. How to use pinnate in a sentence.
Glossary of leaf morphology - Wikipedia
Compound leaves may be pinnate with pinnae (leaflets) on both sides of a rachis (axis), or may be palmate with multiple leaflets arising from a single point. [1] Leaf structure is described by several terms that include:
PINNATE | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
PINNATE definition: 1. A pinnate leaf is a type of compound leaf that has a central stem with small leaves arranged on…. Learn more.