swelling with broken wrist, how long should my hand be swollen …
2020年3月17日 · Swelling starts middle of the top of my wrist to the middle of the thumb side starting where that bone (normally) sticks up on the pinky side. After 3 1/2 Wrist injury 6 days ago wnt 2 Dr 3 days ago Dr said no broke bones bandage up 4 few days wrist & hand still swollen & painful cant feel fingers @ time? I fell going up the stairs 2 days ago ...
Continuing Hand swelling after plate screw surgery for broken wrist
Broken wrist, wrist swelling gone, hand swollen, what should i do? 4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers ...
is it normal for the wrist to be swollen one month after removing a ...
2018年4月4日 · I can be: After a wrist fracture it is normal to have pain and swelling for many months sometimes as long a 6 months to a year. Therapy can help reduce the swelling and improve your motion. See your doctor to make sure nothing else is going on and that this is normal soreness after a fracture.
When before the swelling of broken wrist go down, roughly?
2017年3月17日 · A routine fractured: Wrist can stay "swollen" for a year or two. If you really look critically at hte skin of the hand and the blood vessles on the back of the hand ( especially noticelabel when one comparers on side to another) the amount of sweeping if it is localized, painful, causing tendons to rub or click or not getting slowly better can ...
can a cast be put on a swollen hand, i broke the 5th ... - HealthTap
2012年12月1日 · Yes: Cast can be applied but one must be careful and alert for possible cast problems casts are often put on while swollen but swelling will gradually decrease watch out for any numbness in your fingers or changes to circulation.
how long does it take for the swelling to subside after the wrist …
2016年9月29日 · Months: Depending on why you had the cast on, it may take several months for swelling to fully resolve. If you had a fracture or surgery, i usually tell my patients that it will take up to a year for everything to get back to normal, and that the wrist may always be a little bigger than it was befor.
broken wrist plate and screws - HealthTap
Broken wrist plate and screws A member asked: I started to have swelling and pain around my wrist plate and screws. i have had the implant for about 4 years. what could cause this?
swollen fingers after broken wrist - HealthTap
A cast was put on my broken wrist today and my fingers are incredibly swollen. i have been icing/elevating them but they feel like pins and needles. 5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers A member asked:
is it okay to wiggle your fingers with a broken wrist. it is in a hard ...
2016年9月22日 · Moderate-severe pain when moving or using wrist. Started few weeks ago, went away for a while but is back and worse. splinting helps a little, cant grip or make a tight fist or twist wrist without sharp excruciating pain. no finger involvement. ? I have tendonitus in my wrist. In a splint. Pain is worse. painkillers not working. cant move fingers.
what is the recovery time for a broken wrist? | HealthTap
2017年12月11日 · What is the normal recovery time after wrist cyst removal? What is the recovery time for ganglion cyst removal on wrist? What is the typical time for recovery of a complete scapholunate (scaphoid) ligament tear in my wrist? Hello. I have been having numbness and tingling in my arm, wrist, and hand. I have a carpal boss and am having it removed.