Flow Transducer This rotation is detected when a turbine blade crosses a powerful infra-red light beam. The resulting output is a NPN pulse that is readily interfaced with most electronic …
Flow meters are an integral tool for measuring the flow of liquid, gas, or a mixture of both in applications used in the food and beverage industry, oil and gas plants, and …
The DigitalFlow XMT868i ultrasonic flow transmitter combines state-of-the-art flow measurement capability with a low-cost transmitter package that can be installed right at the process …
Utilising advanced DSP technology, the Portaflow 330 (PF330) is the latest portable flow measurement and recording system to be added to the Micronics range of equipment. The …
Orientation : As desired (however, most sensitive at low ranges when installed vertically with flow upwards) Power supply : 4.5 to 24 V dc, current consumption maximum 15 mA at 24 V Cable …
The DigitalFlow XGF868i ultrasonic flow meter uses the patented Correlation Transit-TimeTM technique, digital signal processing, and an accurate method of calculating molecular weight.
•Highly efficient ultrasonic transducer – up to gas temperatures of +105 °C and pressures up to 250 barg •Direct path layout •Intelligent self-diagnostics •Compact, robust design •Integrated …
This reference design features an ultrasonic flow transmitter that is able to measure water flow in the large pipes used in the process industry. The reference design can drive four different …
The dB3 with Double Sun Shields and dBMACH3 transducers have been designed specifically for open channel flow measurement. Standard = 5 m, 10 m, 20 m or 30 m (16.4 ft, 32.8 ft, 65.6 ft …
Flow Technology’s Omniflo ® turbine flowmeter is a tangential flow transducer capable of measuring very low flow rates in either liquid or gas with excellent speed of response and …