How to Pronounce Duck Breeds ** Updated with Sound!
2009年4月20日 · Rouen- I used to say it like Row-in as in "Rowin' a boat" LOL, until someone from France was chatting with me about poultry and told me they used to have "Roan" with a long o "Claires", which are basically light phase Rouens.
Hatching Rouen Duck Eggs - BackYard Chickens
2022年12月6日 · Hi everyone, This is my first post here, and first time hatching eggs in an incubator. My Rouen laid her first egg on Nov 2, 2022. She would lay them everywhere, and has laid one every day since then. I decided to put them in the incubator, and after doing so, I think I read somewhere you...
Rouen duck broody question - BackYard Chickens
2010年2月25日 · Hi, I'm hoping for some broody duck vs. chicken help. I have a pair of Rouens. I know very little about ducks, just got these because my youngest went to the feed store with me last spring and he's darn near as cute as the ducklings were. We've really enjoyed watching them swim in the creek...
Rouen x Khaki Cross - BackYard Chickens
2016年1月23日 · A year ago we got our first ducks, a Rouen and a Khaki Campbell. The turned out to be a pair, and our female khaki decided to sit this winter. We just hatched ten ducklings from this cross and were trying to find pictures of what …
Rouen duck | BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise Chickens
2024年3月16日 · Is my Rouen duck going to hatch her clutch of eggs? She made a nest and has laid 16 eggs in it. I have two Rouen one drake and one duck. They are both super protective and do not want us near the duck house where the nest is. We know the eggs have been there with more added daily for over a...
???What Is the Incubation Period of Rouens??? - BackYard Chickens
2009年5月2日 · A friend of mine gave me a 2 rouen duck eggs (1 quit a few days ago) to hatch a while back and I counted 28 days on the calendar, becuz that is what I heard the average duck incubation period is, so this egg is due tomorrow and I locked it down Thursday. Today while adding a bit more humidity to...
Duck Breed Focus - Rouen - BackYard Chickens
2011年6月28日 · The Rouen duckling are nearly identical to the Mallard duckling in terms of plumage colouring, but Rouen ducklings can be distinguished from wild Mallard ducklings by the presence of a second stripe which runs across their face, just under their eye, whereas mallard ducklings have only one stripe which runs across their eye.
Pekin Rouen mix? - BackYard Chickens
2009年4月27日 · The duck in the middle (above) is a rouen/pekin mix. She has beautiful white on her wings and is black, has some green sheen to her and a few spots of rouen colour too...it's very strange but she's quite sweet
How long do Rouen ducks live? - BackYard Chickens
2012年7月2日 · Ive been wondering this for a long time and cant find any answers but how long do Rouen ducks live for? Has anyone had Rouen ducks in the past and roughly how long did they live for??
Pekin x Rouen cross - BackYard Chickens
2014年10月13日 · Here's my F-1 Pekin x Rouen cross. His dad was a gigantic jumbo pekin drake from Metzer Farms and his mama is an Exhibition Rouen hen from show winning lines. He is a.gigantic 12# bird' will breed him to a jumbo peking hen and 2 exhibition rouen hens to get my F-2 ducklings next year.