20 of the Weirdest Inventions From the Past 20 Years
2021年3月20日 · Take a look at 20 inventions that deserve recognition for being both innovative and extremely weird. 1. Slugbot. Slugs destroying your garden? This artificial intelligence from …
38 crazy inventions, you won't believe what you're about to see
2023年3月27日 · We've collected the most ridiculous, insane, weird and downright odd inventions that have ever been made or conceived, like the Solar Bikini that uses the sun's rays to power any connected...
30 of the Most Bizarre Inventions in History - Newsweek
2020年12月6日 · From doughnut dunkers to yodel meters, take a look at these sometimes wacky inventions that often have not stood the test of time.
20 Strange Inventions That Actually Changed the World
2024年10月19日 · From everyday objects like paperclips and Velcro to more peculiar creations like the Slinky and bubble wrap, these unusual innovations have found their place in our daily routines. They may not have been designed with world-changing intentions, but their influence is …
11 Of The Strangest Inventions In History - All That's ...
2014年6月30日 · From boats that would survive an ice age to wooden swimming suits, these strange inventions are also the most delightful to look back on.
Top 20 Weirdest Inventions Ever - Big Think
2016年11月20日 · Still, these are some of the strangest fruits of human ingenuity we know. 1. MOUSETRAP PISTOL – this 1882 invention by James A. Williams of Texas, takes a very serious approach to mice...
15 of the world's weirdest-ever inventions
From the V-shaped bed designed by an exercise legend, to a robot that feeds you tomatoes. The best inventions solve practical solutions to everyday problems, doing so efficiently and with a bit of style. But sometimes things don't exactly work out like this.