usage - When do we use "廿", "卅" and "卌"? - Chinese Language …
廿, 卅, 卌 are never used in Modern Standard Mandarin Chinese except some idiomatic expressions. They might be used in Old Chinese and Middle Chinese, but never in Modern Standard Mandarin Chinese, except some idiomatic expressions. 五卅惨案 May 30th Massacre. This is the only term that I can think of using 卅 in Modern Standard Mandarin.
cantonese - Are there more special numerals like 廿? - Chinese …
2012年10月30日 · 廿 jaa6 indeed abbreviates 二十 ji6 sap6. Similarly, 卅 abbreviates 三十 saam1 sap6. But 卅 is pronounced saa1aa6, an unusual tone contour. Abbreviations for numbers 40 and above are formed regularly: sei3aa6, ng5aa6 and so on.
How to pronounce 廿卅卌 in Chinese?
2016年4月19日 · In most Cantonese speakers I know, 廿 is still a colloquial item of vocabulary, replaced with 二十 in usual formal writing; but 廿 remains a very common alternative, for counting as well as enumerating. According to CantoDict, the pronunciation "a" is the most common. This is verified in my experience; the variant with "e" I've not heard ...
Etymology of the Chinese number characters (一二三四五六七八九 …
2013年10月12日 · 廿's oracle glyph looks like two ropes, one of which stands for the numeral ten, so two ropes and make twenty. The original idea of character construction: twenty is double ten. The bronze glyph shows two ropes with knots are tied together. Some bronze glyph replaces the knot with a bar. The seal glyph inherits the bronze glyph .
Glyph origin of 㒼 - Chinese Language Stack Exchange
2024年11月5日 · As for the annotation as the decomposition by 廿 and 㒳, just drawing a forced analogy by the offspring, who may as confused as me. Correct me if the answer misleading! Original answer. One of variants of 㒼A is 䓣B. They are very alike in writing, the only difference is the length of 一 below 艹/艸, where A (your posts) is shorter than B.
culture - 为什么「五二〇运动」没有别称「五廿运动」? - Chinese …
2024年7月8日 · 然而,精确检索「五廿运动」,结果只有零星几个,并且都指向「臺大學生自覺運動」(1960年代发生的)。这个也是以日期(5月20日)命名的。没有一条义项指向标题中的「五二〇运动」。这说明「五二〇运动」没有别称「五廿运动」。
The meaning of "奪耳" in 《說文解字》 - Chinese Language Stack …
2024年7月5日 · "Also" refers to Duàn Yùcái's commentary on the previous entry, 「廿」. In that entry, it is first argued that joining of the bottom in 「廿」 (instead of having them separate, like 「卄」) is a "simplification" (省) in ancient texts.
How to express a date in Chinese (lunar) calendar?
2020年12月27日 · "廿" is a classic character to refer to "二十". Please see the image below to get a feel of the calendar commonly used in China, written in both Gregorian(Arabic numerals) and Chinese(chinese characters) calendar.
When handwriting 黄 (huáng; yellow) is it incorrect to have a ...
2019年4月2日 · The character 黄 is a simplified Chinese character, the traditional form is 黃, which is combined with 廿, 一, 田 (or 由 sometimes) and 八, there is no relationship with 艹. The handwriting in your picture may be incorrect, I searched …
Capitalization in Chinese - Chinese Language Stack Exchange
This page also have some other funny numerical characters, such as 廿 as 20, 卅 as 30, and 皕 as 200 ...