殃的解释|殃的意思|汉典“殃”字的基本解释 - 漢典
殃 yāng 〈动〉 (1) 使受祸害败坏;为害 [bring disaster to] 不教民而用之,谓之殃民。—— 《孟子·告子下》 吾主以不贿闻于诸侯,今以梗阳之贿殃之,不可。—— 《国语》
殃 (yāng) Definition & Meaning - What does 殃 mean in Chinese
The definition & meaning, examples & expressions, synonyms & antonyms, idioms & phrases, similar-form characters and Homophones of 殃 in HanBook Chinese Dictionary. The Chinese …
< 殃 : ㄧㄤ >辭典檢視 - 教育部《重編國語辭典修訂本》2021
字詞:殃,注音:ㄧㄤ,歹部+5畫 共9畫 (常用字),釋義:[名] 災禍。如:「遭殃」、「池魚之殃」。《易經.坤卦.文言曰》:「積善之家,必有餘慶;積不善之家,必有餘殃。」唐.韓愈〈圬者王承 …
殃 - Chinese-English Dictionary
城 門 失 火, 殃 及 池 魚 chéng mén shī huǒ , yāng jí chí yú - a fire in the city gates is also a calamity for the fish in the moat (idiom); the bystander will also suffer
殃 meaning - Chinese-English Dictionary
HSK6 殃 [Pinyin] yāng [English meaning] calamity [Words] 遭殃,祸国殃民,殃及,祸殃,灾殃... [Synonym] 害,患,祸 (Stroke 9)
殃_汉字「殃」的拼音_殃的解释_殃什么意思_殃念什么 - 国学大师
「殃」基本解释 殃 yāng ㄧㄤˉ 1. 祸害:灾~。遭~。城门失火,~及池鱼(喻牵连受害)。 2. 损害:祸国~民。 点此查看:【殃】更详细解释 「殃」 在工具书中的解释
Word dictionary - 殃 - MDBG Chinese Dictionary
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殃 - Dong Chinese dictionary
殃 | misfortune | yāng misfortune, disaster, calamity - yāng calamity | Phonosemantic compound. 歹 represents the meaning and 央 represents the sound.
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