meaning - Difference between "believe" 认为 and 相信? - Chinese …
2020年7月19日 · The key character in 相信 is 信 which means faith/trust. (相 is just there to turn 信 into a standard two-character word. It can be omitted in spoken language.) I.e. there's some emotion involved. The object can also be a person or a belief (i.e. equivalent to "believe in").
word choice - Trust/Believe : “信任” vs “相信” - Chinese Language …
2020年7月25日 · 公司领导很 [相信 / 信任] 他,最近让他当了一个部门的经理。 既然用他就应该 [相信 / 信任] 他,用人不疑嘛。 我不 [相信] 他说的话。 你这么努力,我 [相信] 你一定能学好汉语。 我 [相信] 这件事是真的。 They also highlight how the object of 信任 cannot be the subject ...
Is there any difference between 想, 觉得 and 以为?
2020年3月10日 · users recommend;search site for Q&A about 认为/以为 ,dictionaries, e.g. bkrs: 想 to think to believe to suppose to wish to want to miss (feel wistful about the absence of sb or sth),(思索) think; ponder:想办法 think of a way; try to find a solution 想问题 think over a problem(推测; 认为) suppose; reckon; consider; think: 你想会下雨吗?
What are the difference between e.g. 想, 觉得 and 认为 when …
2020年3月10日 · What are the main ways to express opinion in Chinese? I know there are some verbs used for this, like 想, 觉得 and 认为.
meaning - What are stative verbs in Chinese language? Can we …
2024年11月4日 · 她相信不明飞行物。=> 她相信了不明飞行物。 The verb 相信 is typically stative or contemplates one stage of affairs. The first sentences assigns the characteristic of believing in UFOs to 她. Stative verbs are normally incompatible with 了; however, with some verbs, like 相信, the use of 了 will coerce an achievement ...
How do I say "convince (someone) that (something)"?
2016年8月7日 · *相信 in this sentence is a verb that can be replaced with other verb, for example: "deny" I should convince her that it is not her fault. base on the context of in this sentence, you are not convincing her to act, but convincing her to believe, so "使她相信這不是她的錯" is the appropriate phrasing.
What is the meaning of 正好 in 这一年正好秦国军队来打赵国?
2022年8月28日 · 几年后,赵奢去世了。这一年正好秦国军队来打赵国,赵国派老将廉颇带20万大军迎战。 This is from the Standard Course Book of HSK5 ...
Structure of sentence with 喜欢+V - Chinese Language Stack …
2016年1月26日 · 3 Knowing and thinking 记得、忘记、知道、相信、觉得,感到、认为、以为、估计、肯定、担心、怕、怀疑、同意、证明、断定 17。 4 Appearance and value: 好象、显得,不如,值得、不足、不见得、看起来、在于、有待 17。
I am particularly fascinated by the Chinese character that is ...
2019年10月18日 · Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.
How is this smodin.io AI-generated Chinese passage?
2022年11月16日 · 人们相信,外星人绑架是一种神经编程技术,被仁慈的外星人用来教给我们教训。 换句话说,人们认为外星人绑架是一种心灵感应催眠,允许仁慈的外星人在精神上改变人的大脑,然后将其从身体中移除。