How to replace “ &ldquo with double quotes? - Stack Overflow
2012年9月24日 · How to replace “ &ldquo with double quotes? Ask Question Asked 12 years, 4 months ago.
xhtml - Uses for the '"' entity in HTML - Stack Overflow
2014年9月18日 · It is impossible, and unnecessary, to know the motivation for using " in element content, but possible motives include: misunderstanding of HTML rules; use of software that generates such code (probably because its author thought it was “safer”); and misunderstanding of the meaning of ": many people seem to think it produces “smart …
How can I keep “ when I use QDomDocument to parse …
2019年12月27日 · The entities (“, ”) are stored as QDomEntityReference instances and obviously skipped in QDomElement::text(). I must admit I was a bit surprised because (according to my experience in libXml2 ) I'm used to the …
How to decode HTML special character into their actual value?
2013年5月23日 · Use HttpUtility.HtmlDecode or WebUtility.HtmlDecode. string s = "Antique bronze of an archer by Franz Iffland Literature:
“Bronzes, sculptors and founders” by H. Berman, Abage. 
“Dictionnaire illustré des sculpteurs animaliers & fondeurs de l’antiquité à nos …
How to Code Double Quotes via HTML Codes - Stack Overflow
2013年2月28日 · No reason really @Andy. For years I have been conditioned to use html codes whenever and wherever possible. Mainly due to rendering content from databases, WordPress posts, the fact that junky characters come from people copying and …
Quotation marks in titles are automatically rendered in `&ldquo ...
Quotation marks in titles are automatically rendered in “/” (“”) format even when posted using " ("") format.
encoding - Down angled quote (« and ») in HTML - Stack Overflow
2012年10月15日 · Possible Duplicate: Does unicode or HTML have a vertical double guillemet (chevron)? Is there a downwards facing alternative to &laquo and &raquo (« and » respectively)? I have tried to
Convert character entities to their unicode equivalents
2013年9月13日 · Entities like “ and —. Unfortunately we need to feed this data into a flash based rss reader and flash doesn't read these entities, but they do read the unicode equivalent (ex “). Using .Net 4.0, is there any utility method that will convert the html encoded string to use unicode encoded character entities?
Find Unclosed Quotes (‘- or “-Style) - Stack Overflow
2014年7月24日 · I'm editing some text directly from OCR engine and in some paragraphs the OCR engine ignores the opening and closing quotes. I prefer editing in HTML mode and as a result end up with some text like...
c# - Problems replacing “ in a string - Stack Overflow
2015年8月24日 · I'm trying to replace “ and ” in C#, they're in the middle of the data I get from an API call. I want to replace them to my "key", but when I do