What do we call the “rd” in “3ʳᵈ” and the “th” in “9ᵗʰ”?
2014年8月23日 · @WS2 In speech, very nearly always. In writing, much less so. I think what may be going on is that one just assumes that “June 1” is pronounced “June First”, or “4 July” as “the Fourth of July”.
Meaning of "by" when used with dates - inclusive or exclusive
2014年8月28日 · If, in a contract fr example, the text reads: "X has to finish the work by MM-DD-YYYY", does the "by" include the date or exclude it? In other words, will the work delivered on the specified date
“20th century” vs. “20ᵗʰ century” - English Language & Usage ...
To some extent, it depends on the font you are using and how accessible its special features are. If you can do full typesetting, then you probably want to make the th part look different from the 20 part, just like they do here:
Understanding "as of", "as at", and "as from"
If "as of January 23rd" is adjectival, then not only can it mean. That I need all transactions from the beginning of time (so to speak) till January 23rd, and. That I need all transactions from January 23rd to now? but if "as of January 23rd" is adverbial, it can also mean "As of January 23rd, your job will include getting me all the transactions."
prepositions - Does "until [date]" mean "before that date"?
2011年8月16日 · This is not good English. Either it was written by somebody for whom English is not a native language, in which case I wouldn't necessarily conclude anything about his interpretation from the text, or it was written in a hurry by someone who meant to put (you have until 18 August) in parentheses, in which you should deliver it by 23:59 on 18 August.
meaning - How should "midnight on..." be interpreted? - English ...
2010年12月9日 · By most definitions, the date changes at midnight. That is, at the precise stroke of 12:00:00. That time, along with 12:00:00 noon, are technically neither AM or PM because AM and PM mean "ante-meridiem" and "post-meridiem", and noon and midnight are neither ante- …
using phrase "weekend of" - English Language & Usage Stack …
2012年8月16日 · I would say the weekend of the 22nd or 23rd. Also the weekend of the 29th or 30th. The week of the 24th has weekend days of the 23rd and 29th, those are the days that are on the ends of the week that contains the date of the 24th.
synonyms - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2016年7月9日 · I have been using the following sentence for all my official communication, but I have become bored by its monotony. With reference to the subject above I am looking for a total change over of my
"As on 16 May" vs. "as of 16 May" — which is correct?
2013年1月3日 · Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.
prepositions - "Before date" versus "by date" - English Language ...
2013年3月5日 · Although, by definition, “before Tuesday” actually means “by Monday at the latest”, many people still confuse “by” (up to AND including) and “before” (up to BUT excluding).