Standard Specification for Open and Covered Wood Crates
2013年5月1日 · Standard Specification for Open and Covered Wood Crates. This specification covers five types and two styles of open and one type, and one style of covered wood crates designed for net loads not exceeding 4000 lb [1814 kg].
Military Grade Wood Crates | Ameripak Company | Michigan
Superseded by ASTM D6039 - The D6039/Mil-C-52950 is the only standard for open frame crates. It includes many variations
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 6039/D6039M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.
ASTM-D6039 | Standard Specification for Open and Covered …
1.1 This specification covers five types and two styles of open and one type, and one style of covered wood crates designed for net loads not exceeding 4000 lb [1814 kg]. Open crates are suitable for shipment of items, which are not readily susceptible to damage from outside forces, and which require only limited protection against the elements.
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D6039/D6039M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision.
ASTM D6039/D6039M-18 - Standard Specification for Open and …
ASTM D6039/D6039M-18 - ABSTRACT This specification covers five types and two styles of open and one type, and one style of covered wood crates designed for net loads not exceeding 4000 lb [1814 kg].
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ASSIST-QuickSearch Document Details
2021年6月1日 · This specification covers five types and two styles of open and one type, and one style of covered wood crates designed for net loads not exceeding 4000 lb (1800 kg). Open crates are suitable for shipment of items which are not readily susceptible to damage from outside forces and which require only limited protection against the elements.
1.1 This specification covers five types and two styles of open and one type, and one style of covered wood crates designed for net loads not exceeding 4000 lb [1814 kg]. Open crates are suitable for shipment of items, which are not readily susceptible to damage from outside forces, and which require only limited protection against the elements.
Find the most up-to-date version of ASTM D6039/D6039M + RL at GlobalSpec.
ASTM International - ASTM D6039/D6039M-11 - Standard …
2011年11月1日 · 1.1 This specification covers five types and two styles of open and one type, and one style of covered wood crates designed for net loads not exceeding 4000 lb [1814 kg]. Open crates are suitable for...