Difference Between Acans, Blastos, Micromussa, Favia, & Favities?
2016年4月27日 · I know what they are but still can not pronounce some to the types of corals. Also the trend seems to be to name corals other than what they really are. Here is a simple coral ID site like reefing in general take you time for the reason you are not going to learn over night. You can also throw a picture up and we will help try to identify it.
Recommended Position for Acan Coral in Tank | Reef2Reef
2019年7月28日 · I have an 80-gallon tank that currently has one powerhead and, as the tank is pre-drilled, a fairly powerful return flow into the display (apologies if I did not word that correctly!). I have an acan coral, and I'm wondering the best spot …
Coral Spotlight | Acanthastrea Echinata | Reef2Reef
2011年10月15日 · Common Names: moon coral, acan, acan echinata Difficulty Level: acans are fairly easy to keep. Feeding: Acanthastrea are extremely aggressive eaters with very capable tentacles. They will easily catch and consume most food types including frozen, liquid and even pellets. Take care as their...
Acan placement - Sandbed or Rockwork | Reef2Reef
2011年3月16日 · I recently picked up 8 acan frags, each is about 3-6 heads in total, so they're fairly small. I'm debating on putting them on the rockwork verses the sandbed. Thoughts? Is there a particular reason I should keep them on the sand, specifically in regard to growth rate? Most are on fairly large frag disks and will probably take awhile to out-grow ...
Acan/Micromussa Care | Reef2Reef
2019年8月14日 · Acan lords (OK, Micromussa) are my favorites as well. I have found mine to do well in medium flow and lighting, although they seem to do well in high lighting as well if they are acclimated slowly. I feed Reef Roids once or twice a week - during daylight. I find that my Acan lords eat well during the day but are closed up tight at night.
acan placement for fastest growth - Reef Central
2016年1月1日 · my acan's like the bottom the most; SB and flat rock's both work fine , i don't spot feed anything, just broadcast twice a day. floridascape View Public Profile
Acan coral turning orange and green | Reef2Reef
2021年3月28日 · I have a blue/red acan that’s slowly morphing into an orange/green/rainbow color. Is this normal? I kinda preferred the red and blue. Any way I can get it to return to normal colors?
Acan and Lord coral differences | Reef2Reef - REEF2REEF Saltwater …
2020年12月16日 · All that is left in the acan classification is the acanthastrea echinata. Micros and Lorde's and now one and the same. With micromussa lordhowensis being the name and the smaller finer counterpart being named micromussa amakusensis.
Acan coral vs Brain Favia - Reef Central Online Community
2017年4月26日 · Acan coral vs Brain Favia Reef Discussion. thanks for the concern i cant chagne that avitar i had a changing emperor angelfish that has been moved from my 150 RT to my 240 gallon FOWLR tank- i just couldnt take a chance of losing corals to this fish and overfeeding so we wouldnt, so i removed him a while ago and cant figure out how to change my avitar- everytime i resize an image it says file ...
Acan problems | Reef2Reef
2020年8月25日 · Hey everyone, recently I have been having trouble with my Acan frag. The coral is closed up tight and actually receding flesh, as well as the center mouth is wide open. What I think is the problem is that the temperature is fluxuating too much during the day because its so hot. The tank normally...