Why are acids usually depicted in fiction as green?
In cartoons, etc., acid is generally shown as vividly green, as in this scene from the Simpsons: We even have the colour "acid green". But when I used to use acids in chemistry class, they …
Explanation for why nickel turns green in hydrochloric acid
2019年10月15日 · The question states that Nickel is added to aqueous Hydrochloric acid. The word aqueous might suggest that the complex that the present in the solution is [Ni(H2O)6]2+ …
The Reaction Between Nickel and Hydrochloric Acid
2016年7月13日 · The nickel easily bubbles away into a green solution that eventually turns yellow. I then pour it off into my nickel-saver beaker. If the nickel is extremely susceptible to HCl, the …
What is the product of a copper and vinegar reaction?
2017年8月21日 · Add oxygen and even weak $\ce{H2CO3}$ (carbonic acid) in the presence of $\ce{NaCl}$ will electrochemically attack iron metal (and, more slowly, copper metal also). The …
How does malachite react with acid? - Chemistry Stack Exchange
The green solid turned to a blue solution and there was an effervescence of hydrogen. However, I now realise that copper doesn't react with acid and malachite is a copper carbonate hydroxide …
acid base - Why turmeric turns green? - Chemistry Stack Exchange
2021年8月15日 · When I added some turmeric solution to a strong base it should have turned red but to my surprise it did change colour but became green and when I added some more base …
Mixing hydrochloric acid and sulphuric acid, both concentrated
2018年3月27日 · In the chemistry lab, I stupidly decided to mix hydrochloric acid and sulphuric acid, both concentrated, in a random ratio, which was about $\pu{50 ml}$. When I poured …
Reactions of alcohol with sulfuric acid - Chemistry Stack Exchange
2015年12月8日 · Actually this is the product produces when ethene reacts with sulphuric acid. You can say like that firstly ethyl alcohol coverts to ethene and futher it reacts with sulphuric …
Is chromium (III) green or violet in solution? [duplicate]
2018年4月17日 · The chloride-ligands exchange for water ligands like $\ce{[Cr(H2O)5Cl]Cl2 * H2O}$ which is blue-green. And in the end the $\ce{[Cr(H2O)3Cl3]*(H2O)3}$ is green. Some …
Which Phenols give the colours blue, green or violet in the neutral ...
2016年10月31日 · Aqueous solution of 1 and 2-naphthol however do not give any characteristic coloration but their alcoholic solution give violet-blue and green coloration respectively due to …