Air sparging - Wikipedia
Air sparging, also known as in situ air stripping [1] and in situ volatilization is an in situ remediation technique, used for the treatment of saturated soils and groundwater contaminated by volatile organic compounds (VOCs) like petroleum hydrocarbons, [2] a widespread problem for the ground water and soil health.
Air Sparging
Air sparging involves the introduction of air into the aquifer throughout the contaminated zone. The injected air migrates through the soil in discrete channels (not as bubbles) and facilitates removal of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the groundwater via stripping or volatilization.
What is Air Sparging? - Definition from Trenchlesspedia
2019年8月23日 · Air sparging, also known as in-situ air stripping or in-situ volatilization, is the process of injecting air into a contaminated zone to allow volatile and semi-volatile contaminants to transfer from the water to the air bubbles.
Air Sparge Systems - ESD Waste2Water
What Is Air Sparging? Air sparging is an on-site remediation process utilized to treat soil and groundwater that has gotten contaminated by volatile organic compounds (VOCs). In this process, an injection well is drilled into the contaminated soil or water table.
Air sparging involves injecting a gas (usually air/oxygen) under pressure into the saturated zone to volatilize groundwater contaminants and to promote biodegradation in saturated and unsaturated soils by increasing subsurface oxygen concentrations.
Full Guide about What is Air Sparging - HENGKO
Air sparging is an in situ remediation technology used to treat contaminated soil and groundwater. This technique involves injecting air into the ground, often under pressure, to promote volatilization and biodegradation of contaminants. The basic principle behind air sparging is …
Air sparging is the process of injecting air into the saturated subsurface to treat contaminated soil and groundwater.
In situ air sparging is a process in which a gaseous medium (commonly air) is injected into groundwater through a system of wells. As the injected air rises to the water table, it can strip volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from groundwater and the capillary fringe.
Citizen's Guide to Air Sparging - US EPA
Air sparging is an innovative treatment technology that injects air into the saturated zone (that part of the subsurface that is soaked with ground water) to remove hazardous contaminants.
What Is Soil Vapor Extraction? Why Consider Air Sparging? What Is An Innovative Treatment Technology?