  1. Copilot 答案

    Ankle Mobility Exercises to Improve Dorsiflexion - Mike Reinold

    • Learn why ankle dorsiflexion is important for functional and athletic movements, and how to assess and improve your ankle mobility with three exercises. Find out the causes, effects, and normal range of ankle dorsifle… 展开

    What Causes Poor Ankle dorsiflexion?

    Before we get too deep into discussing how to fix poor ankle dorsiflexion, it helps to understand what could cause poor ankle mobility. In my experience, the most common reason … 展开

    Mike Reinold
    Why Limited Ankle Dorsiflexion Can Be A Problem

    Several studies have been published that shown that limited dorsiflexion impacts many of our functional movement patterns, such as thesquat,single-leg squat,lateral step down, and … 展开

    Mike Reinold
    What Is Normal Range of Motion For Ankle dorsiflexion?

    The generally accepted normal range of motion for ankle dorsiflexion is 20 degrees as defined by both the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons and the American Medical Associat… 展开

    Mike Reinold
    How Much Dorsiflexion Range of Motion Do You Need?

    The ability to have a proper amount of dorsiflexion isn’t something that is only needed in sports, it’s actually a vital movement to allow normal functional activities. Walkin… 展开

    Mike Reinold