Find a Panel Physician - Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship …
2024年3月12日 · Find a doctor you may visit in your country, territory or region for your immigration medical exam. Only Panel Physicians approved by Immigration, Refugees and …
Quelle est la différence entre un visa pour entrée unique et un visa ...
La principale différence entre ces deux types de visas est la suivante : un visa pour entrée unique permet à une personne d’entrer au Canada une seule fois, tandis qu’un visa pour entrées …
Find a citizenship ceremony - Immigration, Refugees and …
Find a citizenship ceremony Information IRCC primarily holds citizenship ceremonies via video, and occasionally in-person. The list below is not a complete list of ceremonies. If you are a …
Disclosure of Grant and Contribution Award Over $25,000
Home Departments and agencies Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada Transparency Proactive disclosure
Quebec - Admissions of Syrian Refugees* by Immigration Category and Family Composition, November 4, 2015 - July 31, 2016**
British Columbia - Total Northwest Territories - Total Total * Express Entry candidates invited to apply and who subsequently applied for permanent residence. Notes: - Data are preliminary …
Note: Due to privacy considerations, some cells containing a count of less than five have been suppressed with “--” except in circumstances where, in IRCC’s judgment, we are not releasing …
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
"Canada - Permanent residents by country of citizenship (Q1 2016 ranking), Q1 2014 to Q1 2016*",,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Country of citizenship,2014,,,,,2015,,,,,2016,,, …
1 'Autres' (non comprises dans celles déjà spécifiées ailleurs dans ce rapport) comprend les cas de catégories DN2, MR2, ainsi que ceux de la catégorie de détenteurs de permis
Canada - Admissions de réfugiés syriens en vertu de l’engagement du Canada dans la réinstallation des refugies syriens selon la province / le territoire de destination envisagé(e), …