50 Compelling Argumentative Essay Topics - ThoughtCo
2024年5月2日 · Need a topic for an argument essay, debate, or speech? The best topic is often one you truly care about. Just make sure you can back up your claim.
What Is an Argument? - ThoughtCo
2018年3月7日 · Unfortunately, most arguments aren’t presented in such a logical and clear manner as the above examples, making them difficult to decipher sometimes. But every argument which really is an argument should be capable of being reformulated in such a manner. If you cannot do that, then it is reasonable to suspect that something is wrong.
Common Pro-Death Penalty Arguments - ThoughtCo
2020年1月19日 · While the exact number of poll respondents in favor of the death penalty has fluctuated over the years, a slight majority of those surveyed continue to back capital punishment based on arguments ranging from religious dogma to the cost of covering a life prison sentence. Depending on one's perspective, however, the death penalty may not ...
Positions for and Against Abortion - ThoughtCo
2020年1月23日 · Many points come up in the abortion debate.Here's a look at abortion from both sides: 10 arguments for abortion and 10 arguments against abortion, for a total of 20 statements that represent a range of topics as seen from both sides.
New York Times Co. v. US: Supreme Court Case, Arguments, …
2019年11月7日 · Arguments Alexander M. Bickel argued the case for the New York Times. Freedom of the press protects the publications from government censorship and, historically speaking, any form of prior restraint has been scrutinized, Bickel argued.
100 Persuasive Essay Topics - ThoughtCo
2024年5月7日 · Persuasive essays are a bit like argument essays, but they tend to be a little kinder and gentler.Argument essays require you to discuss and attack an alternate view, while persuasive essays attempt to convince the reader that you have a believable argument.
Baker v. Carr: Supreme Court Case, Arguments, Impact - ThoughtCo
2019年11月19日 · Baker v. Carr (1962) was a landmark case concerning re-apportionment and redistricting.The United States Supreme Court ruled that federal courts could hear and rule on cases in which plaintiffs allege that re-apportionment plans violate the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.
United States v. Lopez: The Case and Its Impact - ThoughtCo
2021年4月10日 · The Arguments In its effort to demonstrate that possession of a firearm in a school zone was a matter that affects interstate commerce, the U.S. government offered the following two arguments: Possession of a firearm in an educational environment heightens the likelihood of violent crimes, which in turn, will increase insurance costs and create ...
Shaw v. Reno: Supreme Court Case, Arguments, Impact - ThoughtCo
2020年11月23日 · Arguments Residents argued that the state had gone too far when redrawing district lines to create a second majority-minority district. The resulting district was strangely structured and did not follow reapportionment guidelines which highlighted the importance of “compactness, contiguousness, geographical boundaries, or political subdivisions."
Arguments for and Against Embryonic Stem Cell Research
2019年5月24日 · On March 9, 2009, President Barack Obama lifted, by Executive Order, the Bush administration's eight-year ban on federal funding of embryonic stem cell research.