The Principles Maturity Model - ARMA International
An organization can determine the maturity of its records management practices – for a specific department, division, geographic location, or the entire organization – by evaluating them against the characteristics of effective records management provided by The Principles ® Maturity Model.
ARMA Information Governance Implementation Model
The survey aligns with ARMA International’s Information Governance Implementation Model v2.0 (IGIM) and is designed to measure IG maturity across the seven key areas of the model. This report is the fourth annual assessment of IG maturity …
Senior management is aware of the records management program. The organization envisions establishing a broader-based information governance program to direct various information-driven processes throughout the enterprise. The organization has defined specific goals related to …
At ARMA InfoCon 2019, we launched a survey assessing organizations’ IG maturity overall and across the seven areas of the IGIM identified above. The results of that survey will be used to …
formation Governance Maturity Model (IGMM) to the enterprise. Emphasis has been on how these tools benefit organizations by providing a framework on which to build an information governance (IG) program and an objective set of criteria for measuring progress toward its maturity. Yet the Principles remain abstract ideals until they are
assessing the maturity of IG programs. To achieve this, it posed a series of questions to gauge maturity across eight metrics relevant to a successful IG program. The survey was launched at ARMA InfoCon in October 2023 and remained available online through the end of 2023.
Introducing the Information Governance Implementation Model …
2019年12月31日 · At ARMA InfoCon 2019, we launched a survey assessing organizations’ IG maturity overall and across the seven areas of the IGIM identified above. The results of that survey will be used to create an IG Maturity Index, a point-in-time assessment of IG maturity.
ARMA International Information Governance Maturity Model (IGMM) A model providing metrics that organizations can use to develop an information governance program, benchmark an information governance program’s maturity, identify and analyze gaps in an
Generally Accepted Recordkeeping Principles - Wikipedia
The Maturity Model for Information Governance [2] begins to paint a more complete picture of what effective information governance looks like. It is based on the eight principles as well as a foundation of standards, best practices, and legal/regulatory requirements.
The Principles® - ARMA International
The Principles ® Maturity Model – which is based on the Generally Accepted Recordkeeping Principles ®, as well as the extant standards, best practices, and legal/regulatory requirements that surround records management – is meant to be deployed as a quality improvement tool.