1200GS Best/Worst Years? - Adventure Rider
2010年4月19日 · Have to echo the late '07 or '08. I wanted an '07 with the final drive drain on the bottom of the housing, which I found. That makes it a late '07 as BMW officially went to the bottom drain in '08. I did not want the complication of some of the electronic's added in '08 and '09. I have been really happy with my '07. Great bike.
R1200GS with factory low suspension - Adventure Rider
2011年7月10日 · I just did although its pricey as an after market add on from BMW. I don't know about OEM shocks but with Ohlins you can have the factory or a dealer put spacers in that will effectively lower the shock height. My rear Ohlins was a stock height 436 lowered with the spacers from Ohlins at MAX BMW.
BMW R1200GS vs Guzzi Stelvio - Adventure Rider
2005年8月14日 · On the other hand, the GS is much more plush; much, much more. For long distance running, cross country etc., the GS would provide a much smoother ride both in engine feedback and in suspension feel. The BMW offers many other creature comforts from years of refinement: ABS, heated grips, much easier computer readouts, gear indicator etc.
Pictorial: R1200GS clutch switch adjustment (no start in gear)
2008年8月21日 · suddenly i can no longer start R12GS in gear; two years ago BMW replaced clutch switch under warranty..... following this useful thread, i loosened the switch, moved it around as suggested, but no joy. pulled switch out completely and when i press the little lever on switch, it clicks, but when in place, no click.
R1200GS Electrical - Mounting locations for Relays, Fuse panels …
2015年10月18日 · R1200GS Electrical - Mounting locations for Relays, Fuse panels and other nerdery Discussion in ' GS Boxers ' started by HowlingMad , Mar 19, 2013 . HowlingMad , Mar 19, 2013
2006 R1200GS ABS Removal - Adventure Rider
2001年12月24日 · 2006 R1200GS ABS Removal. ... Home Forums Home > Bikes > GSpot (BMW) > GS Boxers > Style Black Responsive ...
R1200GS Adventure Tank Install, v2 | Adventure Rider
2003年11月30日 · A 2005 R1200GS, with a Russell DayLong seat, standard BMW crash guards (not the GSA versions), and GSA panniers. And here's the finished bike. Let's get started. First the revised Parts List. SQD8R's list is wonderful, but a few part numbers have been superceded, a couple are incorrect (BMW's fault), and I've added a few that were missing.
Battery replacement recommendation. 2015 R1200 GS
2014年2月10日 · I installed a Deka model EXT14 AGM battery to replace the out of warranty BMW battery. The USA-made Deka came charged and fit perfectly for about $80. (No lithium ion battery will fit without some modification). BUT, in your case a warranty replacement looks awfully attractive - maybe the dealer can come fetch the bike and then return it to you.
2005-2006 R1200GS Buying Tips - Adventure Rider
2011年1月3日 · 3. Final drive. Yeah, almost everybody has experienced trouble with the final drive if they ride enough miles. The main problem is the crap seals BMW spec'd initially and the fact that the unit wasn't vented so when the FD heated up the seals got loaded with increased pressure. So, when the seals fail, the lube leaks out and the drive burns up.
What is High Miles on a R1200GS? - Adventure Rider
2010年5月30日 · I am looking to pickup a R1200GS or maybe even an older model; I am on a budget and found one 07 BMW R1200GS Adventure with almost 30K miles - is that high miles for a BMW? (I know with most streetbikes Ive owned I considered 10K a lot!) Could I take something with this kind of mileage halfway across the world without constant breakdowns?