Important Notice: We are conducting BPMS application training every Wednesday 11am to 12pm. Click on the link:- Important Notice: Facing issues updating Tp_Client v1.3.50?
Important Notice: We are conducting BPMS application training every Wednesday 11am to 12pm. Click on the link:- Important Notice: This is to inform you that as per instructions from Hon. PSUD Sir and Hon. Director Sir we have successfully deployed on production with the updated version of IGR 2.0 at all locations in MS.
Important Notice: We are conducting BPMS application training every Wednesday 11am to 12pm. Click on the link:- Important Notice: This is to inform you that as per instructions from Hon. PSUD Sir and Hon. Director Sir we have successfully deployed on production with the updated version of IGR 2.0 at all locations in MS.
Important Notice: We are conducting BPMS application training every Wednesday 11am to 12pm. Click on the link:- Important Notice: Facing issues updating Tp_Client v1.3.50?
As an ambitious project under the Ease of Doing Business initiative of Central Government, Hon. Chief Minister has agreed and urban Development Department has decided, of creating a portal and implementing Building Plan Management System (BPMS) with a vision of standardizing various building permission processes at Municipal Councils across ...
2023年12月21日 · Important Notice: Scheduled downtime for the BPMS system due to the data migration on webwerks infrastructure. The services will be unavailable from today 5 PM up to Monday 9AM.
report has to be uploaded into BPMS within 24 hours. The applicant can view the site visit report at any time by clicking the “site visit report” button available in his/her console.