+852 - bocgins.com
Log in as a member to apply insurance online and enjoy a range of personalized and customized electronic services including policy inquiries, claim applications and claim progress inquiries, etc.
Universal Voyage Travel Insurance Plan Bank of China Group Insurance Company Limited ("BOCG Insurance") is delighted to present the “Universal Voyage Travel Insurance Plan” (“the Plan”) to you. Whether you and your family members are travelling on holiday, business or short-term overseas study trip, can enjoy a truly worry-free journey.
The information you provide to Bank of China Group Insurance Company Limited ("the Company") is collected to enable the Company to carry on insurance business and may be used for the purpose of: (i) processing and evaluating your insurance application and any future insurance application you may make;
Bank of China Group Insurance Company Limited (“BOCG Insurance”) is delighted to present Healthy Medical Comprehensive Protection (“the Plan”) that offers you and your family a comprehensive medical protection.
Smart Domestic Helper Insurance Plan - bocgins.com
Extend Period of Insurance (Only applicable to local domestic helper plan) Login / Register Logout 繁 简 En Smart Domestic Helper Insurance Plan Making the Employer and the Insured Domestic Helper feel at ease anytime.
智幫手家傭保障計劃 - bocgins.com
都市人生活忙碌,工作經常早出晚歸,聘請家傭打理家務及照顧家中老幼十分普遍。中銀集團保險瞭解您的需要,特別呈獻 ...
has applied to BANK OF CHINA GROUP INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED (hereinafter called “the Company”) for the insurance hereinafter contained and has paid the premium as consideration for such insurance. Now this Policy witnesses that subject to the terms, exclusions, conditions, limit of liability contained herein, affixed hereto or endorsed ...
I understand that the information I provide to Bank of China Group Insurance Company Limited ("the Company") is collected to enable the Company to carry on insur ance business and may be used for the purpose of: (i) processing and evaluating my insurance application and any future insurance application I may make;
1 | |環宇遨翔旅遊保障計劃 2 人身意外雙倍賠償 1 雙倍賠償1 高達hk$4,000,000(只適用於單次旅程計 劃) 醫療費用保障 高達hk$1,500,000,並提供回港後3個月內的覆診費 及創傷輔導保障。 危險活動保障 1 包括吊索跳、跳降落傘、激流、潛水、遠足及熱氣球
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