BIRTHRIGHT Campaign Setting
Jun 25, 2007 · The '''Birthright Campaign Setting''' is a set of rules and background information to be used in the Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game. It is set in the fantasy land of Cerilia and allows the player's characters to adventure across the lands as well as be involved in the political intrigue and bureaucracy of the day as a Regent.
BIRTHRIGHT, DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, the BIRTHRIGHT logo, and the D&D logo are trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc., and are used by permission. ©2002-2010 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Birthright Campaign Setting 3.5
Birthright Online (MMO) BRCS 4th Edition; BRCS 3.0/3.5 Edition; MPGN Mailinglist archive 1996-1999; BRWiki Discussions; Birthright.net support; Birthright Expansions. Empires of Blood; Are you ready to claim your birthright? Birthright play-by-post; A Bards Tale; Birthright Wiki. Main; BR Wiki Books; Birthright Campaign Setting 3.5; D20 system ...
Birthright Campaign Setting PDF now available at dndclassics.com!
Jan 14, 2014 · Join Date Oct 2006 Location London, England Posts 2,480 Downloads 30 Uploads 2
Books:Birthright Campaign Setting 3 5
Aug 28, 2012 · The BIRTHRIGHT campaign setting allows players to explore the grand scope of national politics as they guide their domains and influence the events of the continent of Cerilia on the world of Aebrynis. In this setting, the player characters are kings and nobles, prelates and guild-masters, great wizards and royal heralds. They're the leaders of ...
BRCS:Chapter one/Character - Birthright.net
This article is a Birthright Campaign Setting (D&D 3.5/D20) page The BRCS Document is a comprehensive toolbox consisting of rules, races, classes, feats, skills, various systems, spells, magic items, and monsters compatible with the d20 System version of Dungeons & Dragons from Wizards of the Coast.
d20 Birthright Campaign Setting Rulebook
Birthright fans, As promised last month, the BR.net d20 development team will be releasing the first draft of the d20 Birthright Campaign Setting Rulebook at the end of this month (January 2003). The document is currently undergoing final draft formatting for appearance (under Arjan's direction) and should be posted in the near future.
BRCS:Chapter two/Blood and regency/Blood abilities - Birthright
Jul 15, 2009 · This article is a Birthright Campaign Setting (D&D 3.5/D20) page The BRCS Document is a comprehensive toolbox consisting of rules, races, classes, feats, skills, various systems, spells, magic items, and monsters compatible with the d20 System version of Dungeons & Dragons from Wizards of the Coast.
Birthright Campaign Setting PDF now available at dndclassics.com!
Nov 4, 2014 · Hi everybody, Greetings from Spain. I just wanted to mention that the PDF of the Birthright Campaign Setting is available on dndclassics.com as of today!
Gods and religion - Birthright.net
Jun 12, 2009 · Dividing the faiths into rival sects creates nice opportunities for conflict. Creating different doctrines, alliances, holidays, and alignments furthers division between the sects. The Birthright setting is full of opportunities to create conflict between kinds of people who might be friendly or even helpful in other settings.