Bromelain And/or Arnica Before Surgery? - RealSelf
2013年2月18日 · In my practice, I do recommend that patients begin taking oral arnica and bromelain a few days prior to and following their surgical procedure in an effort to prevent and shorten the duration of any bruising that a patient may experience, and remember that head elevation and cool compresses for the first 24-48 hours should also help ...
Bromeline and Arnica Montana - RealSelf
2011年7月18日 · bromeline and Arnica Montana what is the recomended dosage prior to BA and Tummy Tuck surgery? ( will talk to my PS of course!)
Which is better, arnica or bromelain? - RealSelf
2015年8月31日 · Thank you four your question. Arnica Montana and Bromelain are herbal supplements that help with bruising, inflammation and clearance of bruising. Bromelain is an enzyme found in pineapple. Some surgeons recommend taking both together. The research is mixed regarding the benefits on shortening recovery, but they are probably not harmful and …
Rhinoplasty and bromelain Questions - Real Doctor Answers
I am a sensitive skin individual and healthy in all regards. take only vitamin D supplement. What foods should I incorporate in my diet to minimize bruising and swelling post surgery. would bromelain , turmeric supplements help if I start taking them 3-4 weeks before my surgery?
Eyelid Surgery and bromelain Questions - RealSelf
12 days post upper bleph. Despite faithfully using arnica, bromelain and Vitamin C for 2 weeks pre surgery, I got two very black eyes, lots of swelling and my scar lines are very visible and bumpy in some spots. It's only with lots of dermablend and my long bangs that I'm able to even go out in public. I feel like I will never look normal again.
Do Arnica and Bromelain REALLY help with swelling or is it
2016年9月4日 · Many of the women on the facelift forums say they took Arnica and Bromelain prior to their facelift to help with swelling. Others say their doctors told them that was nonsense and just to avoid salt, alcohol, too much sugar and anything that causes bleeding like Vit E, aspirin, Ibuprofen etc. SO: Do any doctors here think that Arnica/Brom ...
Arnica and Bromelain dosage and protocol. When should I take
2018年11月15日 · In addition, we use Arnica and Bromelain to reduce the swelling and bruising. Before and after surgery, nutrition is a key component that is overlooked by almost every patient and surgeon. After the operation, your calorie and protein requirements are increased.
When to Start Taking Arnica Montana and Bromelain? Before or
2012年12月5日 · There are some risks associated with taking vitamins and nutritional supplements before surgery such as interactions with narcotics and anesthetic medicines. In your case Arnica and Bromelain are unlikely to significantly change your recovery from a body lift, but could contribute to bleeding in a procedure that has some risk.
Arnica Montana and Quercetin Bromelain OK Before Breast
2010年4月5日 · I offer to my patients specific supplements that speed healing, reduce swelling, bruising and in some cases minimize discomfort (for example Bromelain, Arnica Montanum, and Vitamins designed for surgery.Bottom Line: Certain vitamins and minerals can speed healing others can cause problems and slow the process down or cause complications.
If Bromelain is anti inflammatory can I still use before my next ...
2018年11月15日 · Dear Sam1302:Bromelain and arnica reduce bruising and swelling. There is a high potency formula with double-strength arnica and bromelain that can be taken by mouth before and for three days after filler injections which has been shown to reduce both side effects (DermAvance Arnika Forte).