Definition of default gateway - PCMag
The default gateway's primary purpose in most homes and small offices is to direct Internet traffic from the local network to the cable or DSL modem that connects to the Internet service provider ...
Definition of default IP - PCMag
The default address is left intact by most users, but can be changed to suit a more complex network architecture. See default gateway and IP address.
Definition of NAS gateway - PCMag
A NAS gateway functions like a file server with unlimited storage. Unlike the traditional "legacy" NAS device, which contains the file sharing protocol, the file system and the drives, a NAS ...
Definition of gateway - PCMag
What does gateway actually mean? Find out inside PCMag's comprehensive tech and computer-related encyclopedia.
Definition of default - PCMag
For example, "the program defaults to xyz," means that the program does xyz unless directed otherwise. See parameter, default browser, default folder, default drive, default font and default gateway.
Definition of gateway address - PCMag
The default address of a network or website. It provides a single domain name and point of entry to the site. See proxy server.
How to Access and Change Your Wi-Fi Router's Settings
2025年1月30日 · Scroll through the information until you see Default Gateway under Ethernet adapter or Wireless LAN adapter. That's your router, and the number next to it is your router's IP address. (Credit: PCMag / Microsoft) If you're on a Mac, go to Apple > System Settings and choose Wi-Fi in the sidebar.
Definition of media gateway - PCMag
A device that converts multimedia input into a backbone network and vice versa. A media gateway can be an IP gateway, a circuit switch (telephone switch) or a modem bank. See IP telephony and ...
Definition of signaling gateway - PCMag
What does signaling gateway actually mean? Find out inside PCMag's comprehensive tech and computer-related encyclopedia.
Definition of residential gateway - PCMag
What does residential gateway actually mean? Find out inside PCMag's comprehensive tech and computer-related encyclopedia.