Dill: Planting, Growing, and Harvesting Dill Weed in the Garden
As its name suggests, dill “weed” is easy to grow! It’s also a great companion plant to deter pests. Here’s how to plant, grow, and harvest dill. Native to Eurasia and the Mediterranean, dill is most at home in warmer climates.
Dill - Wikipedia
Fresh and dried dill leaves (sometimes called "dill weed" or "dillweed" to distinguish it from dill seed) are widely used as herbs in Europe and in central and south-eastern Asia. Like caraway , the fern-like leaves of dill are aromatic and are used to flavour many foods such as gravlax (cured salmon) and other fish dishes, borscht , and other ...
Dill Weed Recipes, How To Use & Flavor Pairings - McCormick
Learn how to use dill weed in our favorite recipes to give fresh flavors to salads, seafood & in dips, spreads & homemade pickles.
Dill: Nutrition, Benefits, and Uses - Healthline
2020年2月4日 · Also called dill weed, the plant has slender stems with alternating soft leaves and brown, flat, oval seeds. While the leaves have a sweet, grassy flavor, dill seeds are more aromatic, with a...
Dill Weed Nutrition Facts, Health Benefits and How to Use - Dr. Axe
2023年6月5日 · Dill weed is a good source of calcium, manganese and iron, and as an antioxidant food, its flavonoids provide anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties that give it a whole host of incredible health benefits. What Is Dill? Dill weed is part of …
What Is Dill: How to Prep, Cook, and Sub Dill - Simply Recipes
2023年2月28日 · What Is Dill? Dill, sometimes called dill weed, is a feathery herb in the Apiaceae family that lends brightness to soups, salads, egg dishes, and more. Here’s how to buy, store, and use fresh and dried dill in your everyday cooking.
莳萝草(Dill) | 知道与不知道的香草(Herb)和香料(spice)怎么吃?
2017年1月24日 · 常用名:Dill. 莳萝 , 又称洋茴香, 是 欧芹家族 的一员。 莳萝的叶子,果实,以及种子,都可以作为新香料或香草来搭配食物使用。这里我们要说到的 莳萝草 ,就是莳萝的 叶子部分 ,新鲜莳萝草为鲜绿色,呈羽毛状。 莳萝草
蒔蘿 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
蒔 shí 蘿 (學名: Anethum graveolens,英語: dill)又或稱 刁草,是 傘形科 蒔蘿屬中唯一的一種植物,為 一年生 草本植物,原生於 西亞,後西傳至 地中海 沿岸及 歐洲 各地,現今地中海和 東歐 為主要的生產地,外形類似 茴香,高度約為一至四英呎高,黃色小花呈傘狀分布,葉為針狀分針。 台灣話稱為「茴香仔」。 屬芹菜科的一年生草本植物,地中海、南俄羅斯、伊朗、印度北部一帶是其原產地。 植株外型與茴香相似,但茴香氣味較甜,而蒔蘿則有較明顯的辛香味。 葉 …
How to Plant, Grow, and Harvest Dill Weed and Seed - Gardener's …
2023年3月16日 · Dill is an easy to grow aromatic annual herb and its seeds are used as a spice. Learn how to plant and grow your own dill at home now on Gardener’s Path.
Growing Dill – Planting, Storing and Harvesting Dill Weed
2020年6月14日 · We often think of dill weed as an herb that will provide an aromatic flavor to dill pickles but there are many other ways to use dill. From using dill in vinegar or salads to garnishes for fish, this tasty herb is a useful recipe flavoring.