Epic EMR tricks compilation : r/medicine - Reddit
2020年4月21日 · A few randoms off the top of my head, just in case this becomes "that place where we post Epic tips" Ctrl+Shft+N opens a new progress note anywhere in the chart .lastlabg[3M] - replace "3M" with any short date code (i.e. 3D for three days, 2Y for 2 years, 6M for 6 months, 4W for 4 weeks, etc.) to pull in all labs going back that specific timespan.
Primary use - Chrome, streaming, and EPIC EMR via citrix - Reddit
2024年2月11日 · Purchase Advice - Primary use - Chrome, streaming, and EPIC EMR via citrix Buying Question Will a 13 inch MBA (whether it's the one currently or the new one that is sure to arrive this year) give me enough screen space to use EPICs EMR and also have plenty of space for chrome as well (not at the same time of course)?
Apple and Epic Systems team up to launch macOS-friendly health …
2022年11月23日 · Epic’s EHR, which is now web-based, already works on Mac. Now that we have released Hyperdrive, our latest client for access to our web EHR, that option will soon be available again on Mac. Hyperspace is our EHR platform which is, as of the Epic May 2022 release, a web app. The Hyperspace app, since it is a web app, needs a browser to access it.
Is there a forum for EPIC EMR tips and tricks? : r/medicine - Reddit
2021年5月24日 · Epic is very protective over their workflows and screenshots and take many steps to prevent this IP from reaching the web. If your institution has Epic, sign up for their UserWeb (userweb.epic.com) where there will be discussions. Though many places will have institutionally derived workflows, so speaking to your own training team may be the ...
Seeking Advice on Epic EMR and ED Workflow Management
2023年3月26日 · I trained early in the EMR era (pgy-8) and we still had papers with our patients room #, last name, one-liner, 3-5 checkboxes including note, and this remained in deep side-leg scrubs pocket entire day and night. Although by this time it was a printed list from EPIC with handwritten checkboxes / to do list on folded-over back.
Serious question: why does Epic (still) suck? : r/medicine - Reddit
2023年8月23日 · Source: Epic Willow Analyst PharmD for a hospital in Arizona. Epic doesn't suck. Your administration and insurance companies suck. Epic is not infallible *looking at you Willow Inventory*. The folks who are making the decisions on *your* workflow do not understand what is and what isn't important medically. They are bean counters and regulatory ...
Frustrations with epic ehr : r/healthIT - Reddit
2023年5月17日 · I find it really difficult to believe anyone from Epic actually said that the planning and implementation of a conversion from your old EMR to Epic could be done in 3-4 weeks. Someone is not being honest with you, and if you weren't on the implementation team then chances are excellent that the misrepresentation is coming from within your org.
r/EpicEMR - Reddit
r/EpicEMR: This is a community to discuss all things Epic! This may not apply to you, but if you're using windows 11 and Epic "hides" from you (you click on the application in your taskbar but it doesn't show on your screen), hold down the windows key …
Epic & Copy/Paste from non-epic source : r/EpicEMR - Reddit
2024年5月11日 · I'm wondering, if I need to copy and paste some text, and maybe a table, from a non-epic source into epic notes, can I do that with just ctrl-c and ctrl-v? The plaintext is copying fine, but formatting of any tables or lists are all jacked up. Meaning that the rows and columns are out of line with each other, and list spacing is all wrong.
Epic Smart-phrase Repository : r/Residency - Reddit
2021年8月8日 · So Epic is used in 34% of healthcare settings in the US. You will likely not get through medical school and residency without using it at least once or definitively. Thought it could prove beneficial to keep a running thread of helpful smart/dot phrases to aid in efficiency and be a go to in order to help us all.