What is the electronic configuration of Fe(II) ion?
2015年3月22日 · The electronic configuration of Fe is $\\ce{[Ar] 3d^6 4s^2}$. So after removing two electrons the configuration becomes: $\\ce{[Ar] 3d^6}$ But why can't the electrons rearrange themselves to give a ...
Differences between Fe3+ and Fe2+ - Chemistry Stack Exchange
2015年12月9日 · I would like to know the differences between Fe3+ and Fe2+ ions. I'm guessing they must differ in reactivity but I'm not sure how. Also, is there a way that we can observed the differences
Is there an iron–iron bond in diiron nonacarbonyl?
2017年8月27日 · An alternative explanation for the bonding in $\ce{[Fe2(CO)9]}$ is presented in a 2012 article by Green 1 (which also contains numerous references to earlier computational studies indicating the absence of a bond). In it, the authors describe Fe–C(O)–Fe bonds …
Reaction of Fe2+ and S2- to form FeS - Chemistry Stack Exchange
2020年2月8日 · Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.
About Fe (III) and Fe (II) coordination complexes
2019年10月15日 · Octahedral complexes are somewhat of a ‘standard’ for transition-metal complexes. Not only can they happen if there are too few electrons to satisfy the 18-electron rule (e.g. $\ce{[Ti(H2O)6]^3+}$, a $\mathrm d^1$ complex) but also if there are too many electrons to satisfy the 18-electron rule (Jahn-Teller distorted $\ce{[Cu(H2O)6]^2+}$, a $\mathrm d^9$ …
Why Fe 3+ is more common than Fe 2+ - Chemistry Stack Exchange
2015年9月16日 · Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.
biochemistry - Why does the structure of haemoglobin change …
2018年5月15日 · The $\ce{Fe^{II}}$ ion is held in the centre of the heme's porphyrin ring and is also attached to a nitrogen atom on a nearly histidine group which is part of the protein.
How do I estimate ΔG⁰f for Fe2+? - Chemistry Stack Exchange
2017年3月5日 · How would one use the equation ΔG° = −nFE° to estimate the ΔG⁰f of Fe2+(aq)? Since Fe2+ appears in multiple entries in the following table, I'm not sure which value to use.
experimental chemistry - how to control relative of Fe2+ and Fe3 ...
2018年2月6日 · Most acids aren't strong oxidisers and really only yield $\ce{Fe^2+}$ when dissolving iron. The most common oxidising acid is nitric acid, $\ce{HNO3}$, which does fully oxidise the iron to $\ce{Fe^3+}$.
inorganic chemistry - Stability order of Cr2+ ,Mn2+ , Fe2+ ,Co2 ...
2018年10月9日 · Electronic configuration for Fe2+ is [Ar]3d6 4s0. Electronic configuration of Cr2+ is [Ar]3d4 4s0. Cr2+ is a stronger reducing agent that Fe2+ in aqueous solution(d3 configuration more stabls than d5 in aqueous solution). So Cr2+ has higher tendency on losing electron compared to Fe2+ so Fe2+ is more stable than Cr2+.