dubbing brush table plans? - The Fly Tying Bench - Fly Tying
2017年5月23日 · Josh, It was in the summer 2007 Flytyer magazine. It includes a parts list and drawings with dimensions. Send me your mailing address and I'll make a copy of the article and send it to you.
Custom Build a Tying Desk - The Fly Tying Bench - Fly Tying
2014年1月29日 · I've pondered building a desk specifically for fly tying, and even drawn a couple plans. But after almost 5 years of tying, and an ever increasing inventory of materials, I've decided that buying the plastic bins and Rubbermaid drawer sets gives me the flexibility to continually add storage as needed.
Tying tabletop organizers or desks? - The Fly Tying Bench - Fly Tying
2004年12月6日 · I have a divided attic bedroom. One side is for computer, fly tying & my daughters art supplies. My table- I picked up a cheap light colored topped table at IKEA (Can get them anywhere) comfortable chair. I keep most of my supplies in tupperware etc. Some of the home improvement stores have those plastic nut & bolt holders.
Homemade C-clamp for vise? - The Fly Tying Bench - Fly Tying
2018年12月11日 · Lay this on the table and clamp to it - or get any 1x2-1x4 or such 6" long or more and any large clamp, use the large clamp to hold the board to the table and clamp the vise to the board. Could even nail/screw/glue the 1x4 to the table in over hanging position-no worse than cutting/carving the top to fit the clamp and would be suitable for a ...
Bench / Vise Height - The Fly Tying Bench - Fly Tying
2011年12月17日 · I agree with terrymiller1973. You should just try different heights to see what works best for you. I ususally have my Vise at upper Chest height when i am tying. I like the vise to be as clos to my head as possible so i can see what i am tying, but i also like it to be close enough to the table that i can rest my elbows on the table.
Ideal Height for Vise - The Fly Tying Bench - Fly Tying
2016年2月22日 · I am a fly tier but also an amateur wood worker. I am in the design phase of building a desk for my fly tying hobby. I currently use an old computer desk with a Norvise sitting on top. I have always felt that the jaws of the vise are a bit high and therefore put my arms at an uncomfortable position with long tying sessions.
C clamp versus base for fly tying vises
2012年7月31日 · At home, I keep my Regal clamped to my table inside and I have my Renzetti on the pedestal outside (I have two or three tying areas). To keep the base stable on the Renzetti outside, I just clamp the base to the table. Now, if you sit with your legs crossed, the extended part of this clamp may give you problems.
Norvise Review - FTF Videos - Fly Tying
2016年5月16日 · In my newest video, I completed a review of the Norvise System, focusing mainly on the standard vise and fine jaws. I know many on this forum tie on a variety of vises, thus would love to hear your thoughts on this one. For those that do tie on a Norvise, let me know if Ive hit the major points, ...
Homemade Fly Tool Caddies - The Fly Tying Bench - Fly Tying
2021年1月4日 · I tie my flies at my computer so I can watch the video for making new flies easily or just watch Pluto TV or whatever while making stuff. My co-worker cut down some trees on his property and gave me some small cuttings. I turned two of them into this neat little caddy that fits on my desk. Anyone...
Pedestal Base or C-Clamp....That is the question - Fly Tying
2016年4月13日 · No matter where I have stayed there is a table, an end table, a coffee table, a lamp stand with shelf to set a c clamp vise up on. I'm not into production tying when away but sometimes you run into a hatch or other situation where you need to whip up half a dozen flies. No big deal if the setup isn't perfection as long as I can get the flies tied.