Fontan procedure - Wikipedia
The Fontan procedure or Fontan–Kreutzer procedure is a palliative surgical procedure used in children with univentricular hearts. It involves diverting the venous blood from the inferior vena cava (IVC) and superior vena cava (SVC) to the pulmonary arteries .
Fontan Completion - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
2023年7月2日 · The Fontan completion goal is to re-route the systemic deoxygenated blood from the venous circulation into the pulmonary vasculature. In Francis Fontan's first description involving two cases of tricuspid atresia, the right atrium was connected directly to the pulmonary artery, i.e., an atriopulmonary connection (APC). This was performed after ...
Fontan Procedure: Details & Outlook - Cleveland Clinic
2022年12月19日 · What is the Fontan procedure used for? A Fontan procedure can treat several heart conditions that involve a ventricle or valve issue, such as: Hypoplastic left heart syndrome (the most common reason for a Fontan procedure). Hypoplastic right heart syndrome. Tricuspid atresia. Pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum.
Evaluation and Management of the Child and Adult With Fontan ...
2019年7月1日 · Many alterations in the general health of patients with Fontan circulation are related to the biophysics and physiology of their cardiac anatomy and surgery, in addition to psychosocial, neurocognitive, and mental health challenges, which are just being recognized.
Fontan Physiology Revisited - LWW
The Fontan operation places the systemic and pulmonary circulations in series, driven by a single-ventricular chamber. It was first described by Francois Marie Fontan for repair of triscupid atresia. 1 It has become the treatment strategy of choice for palliating single- ventricle congenital heart disease (Fig. 1).
Fontan Circulation of the Next Generation: Why It's Necessary, …
2019年12月19日 · The Fontan operation, in its many variations, remains the most prevalent surgical method for cardiac anomalies which lack 2 well‐developed ventricles, and those for which septation resulting in systemic and pulmonary circulations in series cannot be safely achieved.
Good Fontan physiology enables survival for several decades, but unfavourable haemodynamics and risk factors are associated with poor exercise tolerance and an increased early and late attrition
The Fontan circulation after 45 years: update in physiology
The Fontan connection creates a critical bottleneck with obligatory upstream congestion and downstream decreased flow; these two features are the basic cause of the majority of the physiologic impairments of this circulation.
Fontan circulation | BJA Education | Oxford Academic
2008年2月1日 · A full understanding of the physiology of the Fontan circulation is essential for ensuring optimal anaesthetic management of these patients. The main determinants of the success of the Fontan circulation are systemic venous pressure, PVR, atrioventricular valve function, cardiac rhythm, and ventricular function.
Fontan physiology revisited - PubMed
The Fontan operation places the systemic and pulmonary circulations in series, driven by a single ventricular chamber. It has become the treatment strategy of choice for palliating single-ventricle congenital heart disease.