Finding FrontPage for Windows 10 - Microsoft Community
I can't find my original FrontPage CD to install on my new laptop. Where can you find a full version to download? I'm starting to panic with several websites to deal with ... (my working laptop just crashed and I'm trying to get a new computer up and running). Any assistance appreciated. Would also appreciate suggestions for a FrontPage ...
Frontpage on windows 11 - Microsoft Community
2022年3月29日 · The frontpage will open the specified local website. Once this is done, it will be re-opened automatically as the last website used (if that FP option is set) if you execute FP w/o a parameter. If you have multiple websites, opening others using the work around will leave the last 4 opened in the File/Recent Sites list.
FrontPage Replacement? - Microsoft Community
2024年1月21日 · Hi. I am using FrontPage 2003 to maintain a website. I understand that Expression Web replaced it however it also seems that even that has been discontinued? What should I be moving to to publish my
Frontpage no longer loading Windows 11 - Microsoft Community
2022年12月20日 · I understand that Frontpage is a retired program, but I was still using it. I’m not a web developer, so I have no interest in learning a new program. Sadly it will not load using a lower compatibly
Can I still Microsoft FrontPage? - Microsoft Community
2019年8月4日 · Hey! Guys, can I use FrontPage online or anywhere now? I have Office 365 but my school uses 2003 and they expect us to use FrontPage as homework and we are given a project. Please help me out and
Did Microsoft discontinue Frontpage or replace it? - Super User
In the past, Frontpage was Microsoft’s web-development software, but it has not been included in Microsoft Office for several versions now. I have been told that Microsoft replaced it with SharePoint, but that is a completely different software with a completely different use.
Where can I download Frontpage 2003 to install and run on …
Hi , I have a new laptop that runs on Windows 10 and need to continue to support my website created using Frontpage 2003.
How can I install frontpage 98 on win10? - Microsoft Community
2022年11月10日 · FrontPage 98 is not compatible with Windows 10 and will not work even in Compatibility Mode, if you need to use FrontPage, you would need to locate a copy of FrontPage 2003 on the Internet, that will work in Compatibility Mode in Windows 10.
what is the alternate/replacement to Frontpage
2012年6月6日 · It will also run on Windows 7, so there is no reason why you cannot continue to use it. However many service providers including my own, no longer support Front Page extensions, so maintaining the on-line site can be problematic, as FrontPage does not support secure FTP, and using third party FTP software is simply a pain.
A review of Microsoft Frontpage software from a modern …
2020年12月1日 · Remembering Frontpage kind of makes me want to create a new Frontpage for the modern web. Template/theme packs, site hierarchy, and AWS/Azure integration. The type of thing that a techie like me would want, to replace a Ghost blog or something.