GEOGRAPHY EDUCATION – Supporting geography educators …
This story map will introduce you to ways to get the most out of my Geography Education websites. Updates are available on social media via Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest. You can also find articles specifically about regional geography or for an introduction to geography .
We can’t prepare our students for the world the we grew up in–we have to provide them for with the context for this ever-changing world. With that in mind, I’ve prepared some resources in this presentation, Geography Education in the Era of Globalization: …
This is a politically inflammatory title for an op-ed article, given the recent Russia’s seizure of the Crimean Peninsula from Ukraine. Regions and economic regional linkages form and continually reform.
geography education – GEOGRAPHY EDUCATION
GEOGRAPHY EDUCATION Supporting geography educators everywhere with current digital resources.
Can geography save your life in case of, say, a zombie apocalypse? Understanding the push and pull factors that create geographic movement — or how people, resources, and even ideas travel — might help you determine the location that’s best for survival.
Start-of-the-Year Videos – GEOGRAPHY EDUCATION
2013年8月19日 · WHY GEOGRAPHY EDUCATION MATTERS VIDEOS This is a compilation of videos that can be used to at the beginning of the school year to show the importance of geography, spatial thinking and geo-literacy. VIDEO #1: This is an excellent promotional video for geography as a whole, but the AP Human Geography course specifically.
Industrial Revolution–Urban Game – GEOGRAPHY EDUCATION
2014年11月29日 · GEOGRAPHY EDUCATION Supporting geography educators everywhere with current digital resources.
Making an Interactive Map – GEOGRAPHY EDUCATION
When I discuss environmental geography in my Introduction to Geography course, I begin with a discussion of the history though on nature, civilization and culture. I've shown pictures of the nature hikes and canoeing trips to tease out ideas about how my students think about wilderness and civilization and their role in both.
Cultural commodities and the idea of beauty – GEOGRAPHY …
2014年9月29日 · Geography Education is supported by The Pollination Project. Link to all Scoop It! pages. Ways to follow Geography Education 'Geo Ed' on Facebook 'Geo Ed' on Pinterest 'Geo Ed' on scoop.it! @ProfessorDixon on Instagram @ProfessorDixon on Twitter; Seth Dixon on Facebook; Blog Stats. 1,981,777 hits;
GEOGRAPHY EDUCATION Supporting geography educators everywhere with current digital resources.