Download and install Google Chrome
Tip: If you've used a different browser, like Firefox, you can import your settings into Chrome. Install Chrome offline. If you have issues when you download Chrome on your Windows computer, use the alternate link to download Chrome on a different computer. On your computer, download a Chrome installerfor a different computer.
Download and install Google Chrome - Computer - Google …
Google Chrome is a fast web browser available at no charge. Before you download, you can check if Chrome supports your operating system and that you have all the other system requiremen
Download and install Google Chrome
Get Google Chrome. Download Chrome for Android phones and tablets. Chrome is available on phones and tablets running Android 8.0 (Oreo) and up. Install Chrome. On your Android device, go to Google Chrome. Tap Download Chrome Install. To start browsing, tap Open. You can also find Chrome on your Home screen or in "All Apps." To open, tap Chrome.
Google Chrome herunterladen und installieren
Wenn Sie bisher einen anderen Browser verwendet haben, z. B. Firefox oder Safari, können Sie Ihre Einstellungen in Chrome importieren. Chrome offline installieren Wenn Sie Probleme beim Herunterladen von Chrome auf Ihren Windows-Computer haben, können Sie versuchen, Chrome über den folgenden alternativen Link auf einen anderen Computer ...
Download and install Google Chrome
You can download and install the Chrome web browser at no charge, and use it to browse the web. Get Google Chrome Download Chrome for Android phones and tablets.
Download Chrome - Google Help
On your iPhone or iPad, open App Store.; In the search bar, enter Chrome.; Tap Get.. To install, follow the on-screen instructions.
Google Chrome Help
Official Google Chrome Help Center where you can find tips and tutorials on using Google Chrome and other answers to frequently asked questions.
Mendownload & menginstal Google Chrome
Anda dapat menjadikan Chrome sebagai browser default Anda. Jika menggunakan browser lain, seperti Firefox atau Safari, Anda dapat mengimpor setelan browser ke Chrome. Menginstal Chrome secara offline. Jika Anda mengalami masalah saat mendownload Chrome di komputer Windows, coba link alternatif di bawah untuk mendownload Chrome di komputer lain.
Scaricare e installare Google Chrome
Puoi impostare Chrome come browser predefinito. Se hai utilizzato un altro browser, ad esempio Firefox o Safari, puoi importare le impostazioni in Chrome. Installare Chrome offline. Se hai difficoltà a scaricare Chrome sul computer Windows, puoi provare a usare il link alternativo fornito di seguito per scaricare Chrome su un altro computer.
Install & manage web apps - Chrome Web Store Help - Google Help
Go to the Chrome Web Store. Find and select the app you want. Click Add to Chrome, or if it's a paid app, click Buy. Note: If you're installing an app at work or school, some apps might be blocked. Learn about using a managed device.