Insertional mutagenesis - Wikipedia
In molecular biology, insertional mutagenesis is the creation of mutations in DNA by the addition of one or more base pairs. Such insertional mutations can occur naturally, mediated by viruses or transposons, or can be artificially created for research purposes in the lab.
Insertional Mutagenesis - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Insertional mutagenesis refers to the alteration of the cellular genome by the integration of viral or recombinant DNA, and is the default outcome of transgene integration, unless homologous recombination is achieved.
Genetics, Mutagenesis - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
2022年9月19日 · Insertional mutagenesis: This is the process by which exogenous DNA integrates into host DNA. Insertional mutagenesis can be natural, mediated by transposons or viruses, or accomplished in a laboratory.
Retroviral Insertional Mutagenesis in Humans: Evidence for Four …
Integration of new DNA into a cellular chromosome can alter the activity of nearby genes, sometimes affecting subsequent cell growth. A potent form of insertional mutagenesis involves integration of retroviral DNA produced by reverse transcription, ...
Insertional Mutagenesis - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Insertional Mutagenesis Mechanism. Viruses that do not possess their own oncogenes can instead activate the expression of target cell oncogenes by a process called insertional mutagenesis. The insertion of viral DNA in these sites results in unregulated production of target cell–encoded oncoproteins responsible for carcinogenesis.
Mutagenesis - Types and Uses
2011年3月16日 · Mutagenesis refers to any fluctuation of the genome of the organisms by physical or chemical mutagens. The different types and their uses and drawbacks are discussed in the article. Biotech Articles
Cancer gene discovery: exploiting insertional mutagenesis
2021年8月13日 · When insertional mutagenesis induces the deregulation of oncogenes or tumor suppressor genes (TSG), it can cause cell transformation, and indeed insertional mutagenesis has been widely exploited for forward genetics screenings aimed at …
Evaluating Risks of Insertional Mutagenesis by DNA Transposons …
We have focused on theoretical issues relating to insertional mutagenesis in the context of human genomes that are naturally subjected to remobilization of transposons and the experimental evidence over the last decade of employing SB transposons …
Insertional Mutagenesis: A Powerful Tool in Cancer Research
2010年10月21日 · Insertional mutagenesis is probably one of the most powerful methods to identify haplo-insufficient tumor suppressor genes as other genetic evidence for haploinsufficiency is often difficult to obtain. The different effects of proviruses or transposon on gene function is schematically depicted in Fig. 1.1.
Cancer gene discovery: exploiting insertional mutagenesis
Insertional mutagenesis has been used as a functional forward genetics screen for the identification of novel genes involved in the pathogenesis of human cancers. Different insertional mutagens have been successfully used to reveal new cancer genes.