Jonas Vilkas Character Analysis in Between Shades of Gray - LitCharts
Get everything you need to know about Jonas Vilkas in Between Shades of Gray. Analysis, related quotes, timeline.
来自litcharts.com的其他内容Between Shades of Gray Character Analysis - LitCharts
Jonas Vilkas Jonas, Lina ’s brother, is ten years old when he is deported. Sweet and caring in his nature, Jonas’ purity is exemplified from the start of the novel, when he dresses neatly for school as…
Between Shades of Gray Characters | GradeSaver
Jonas Vilkas. Jonas is the youngest in the Vilkas family, a boy of ten when he is arrested with his mother and sister. Naïve and innocent, Jonas is forced to grow up rapidly in order to survive. …
Between Shades of Gray - Wikipedia
• Lina Vilkas: the story's 15-year-old protagonist, taken in the beginning with her mother and brother to a labour camp. She's a brave and determined girl, described as very similar to her mother.
• Jonas Vilkas: Lina's 10-year-old brother. He is a major character, beloved by all, including the sour Mr. Stalas. His sweet and innocent personality is evident throughout the book, although Lina is frightened by the emotional changes he experiences over the course of their ordeal.Wikipedia · CC-BY-SA 许可下的文字- 预计阅读时间:8 分钟
Between Shades of Gray Character Analysis - SuperSummary
Jonas Vilkas is Lina’s younger brother. Like his sister, he also has to grow up much faster and confront more about the brutality of human beings than most children. Jonas comes close to …
Characters - Between Shades of Gray
· Jonas Vilkas - Lina's ten year old brother - Has blonde hair - He wets his pants when the guards tried to take him away, but his mother paid a pocket watch to keep him - …高达24%
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Characters - ruta sepetys
· Jonas Vilkas Jonas is at the short age of 10 years old when his family is taken, but throughout the novel, is forced to mature way past his age. Jonas is a sweet young boy with a naturally caring nature- much unlike his …高达24%
Between Shades of Gray Summary and Characters
2024年4月16日 · Jonas Vilkas: Lina’s younger brother, about ten years old, represents the innocence affected by the brutal circumstances. His health and well-being are one of Lina’s primary concerns throughout their ordeal. Jonas …
Character Analysis - The Wonder of Books
2013年10月7日 ·
· Lina Vilkas is the protagonist in Between Shades of Gray. She is very headstrong and loves art. She has been accepted into art school and writes letters …高达24%
Between Shades of Gray Characters -
Joana Vilkas, Lina's cousin, never appears personally in the novel except in Lina's memories. On the train to Siberia, Lina meets Andrius Arvydas. He is around her age and traveling with his ...