What do you think a "lukewarm" Christian is?
The Bible actually tells us what a “lukewarm” Christian is; it’s someone who’s neither hot nor cold about their faith (see Revelation 3:14-16). In other words, their faith doesn’t mean very much to them. They aren’t particularly enthusiastic about it, nor are they hostile toward it.
What's the difference between a good Christian and a bad Christian?
Don’t, however, use this as an excuse for being a lukewarm or halfhearted Christian. Jesus warned, “Because you are lukewarm – neither hot nor cold – I am about to spit you out of my mouth” (Revelation 3:16). Instead, make sure of your commitment to Christ, and then make it your goal to follow Him, no matter what it costs you.
I don't always feel saved. How can I be sure I am?
Mr. Graham has responded in the following way to one who needed assurance about whether he was truly saved: Chr(34)I believe one of the oldest tricks
Faith Must be Nurtured to Grow and Deepen - Billy Graham …
God doesn’t want you to have a faded, lukewarm faith the rest of your life — and you don’t need to, because He has given us everything we need to make our faith strong and vital. God’s will is for us to be “rooted and built up in him (Christ), strengthened in the faith” (Colossians 2:7).
5 Answers from Billy Graham on End of Life, Death
Aug 10, 2017 · There are so many questions about what happens when we die. These Billy Graham answers and sermons may give you peace about life after death.
What does it mean for a Christian to backslide?
The Old Testament uses the term “backsliding” to speak of those who have been near to God but have allowed sin to take them away from Him.
Are You a Carnal Christian? - Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
Sep 13, 2010 · Carnal Christians are people who continually grieve the Holy Spirit by their temper, touchiness, irritability, prayerlessness or love of self. These a
Isn't Just 'Believing in Jesus' Enough to Get Me Into Heaven?
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham. Just to say “believe in Jesus” can produce a false assurance of salvation because even the devil “believes in Jesus.”
What does it mean to be a "worldly Christian?"
Don’t be embarrassed to ask questions of your pastor or other people in your church, no matter how simple you may think they are.
I really want to believe in God and in Jesus, but I just can't conquer
Q: I really want to believe in God and in Jesus, but I just can't conquer my doubts. Whenever I think I've put them behind me, then I start wondering if I'm just kidding myself and maybe God doesn't even exist.