Corn meal Vs's Flaked maize - Home Distiller
2008年5月29日 · Corn meal Vs's Flaked maize Post by RidgeRunner » Thu May 29, 2008 5:29 pm I have been using flaked Maize in my straight corn recipe 8lb of it and I was told the other day that cornmeal could be used instead. have any of you folks used cormeal in place of cracked corn or flaked maize and if so would it still be only 8lb.
Corn. Cracked, vs Flaked Maize - Home Distiller
2017年3月3日 · Cracked, vs Flaked Maize Post by corene1 » Fri Mar 03, 2017 3:34 am I have used both and there is just a very slight improvement from flaked maize to ground corn as far as usable starch is concerned but hardly measurable though.
flaked corn vs cracked corn - Home Distiller
2013年3月12日 · Briess flaked maize that they sell at brewshops for use in beer is food grade corn that has been processed (pre-cooked and dried). Ten dollar cracked corn is feed corn. There are also feed varieties of flaked corn — some which may be processed differently.
Maize vs cracked corn - Home Distiller
2018年6月27日 · Hey guys. Couple questions. Do you like maize better than cracked corn? When using maize, does it need to be cooked at 190 for the hour, or can that be skipped and it be mashed in with the barley/other grains?
Flaked maize,cracked corn or malted corn? - Home Distiller
2013年2月18日 · I know this question has been asked but I haven't found any good answers. I am buying flaked maize online. This stuff works good and is very easy but shipping is killing me. Is cracked corn at the feed store just as good or should I buy whole kernel and malt it. When making grain mashes what's the difference in using cracked corn vs. malted corn?
flaked maize or cracked corn for UJSM? - Home Distiller
2012年4月16日 · Ive used both. Generally, cracked corn is easier to deal with/drain off, etc. The taste can be different depending on what kind of "cracked" corn you are getting. Of course, "cracked" only refers to how it was processed. But most "cracked" corn is "feed" corn is usually of a lower quality and can be "dirty" as well. Literally.
Corn Sugar vs cracked Corn vs Flaked Corn - Home Distiller
2021年5月27日 · Currently around here, whole corn is cheapest, cracked corn a little bit more @ about $14 a bag and flaked corn $2 or $3 more than cracked. Of the 3 feed store types (whole, cracked or flaked), flaked should be the most useful to brewers or distillers.
mashing with cracked corn - Home Distiller
2014年12月18日 · When using cracked corn, don't get greedy with the SG and end up too thick. (ie., your lbs of grain vs gals of water for your recipe). This makes it hard to work with all the way around. A BOP (big ole pot) with a thick clad bottom is …
Sugar Vs Corn - Home Distiller
2021年10月27日 · Next run was the flaked corn maize with malted barley and turbo yeast. Fermented on the grain. Collected in the same manner and this time there was a definite difference in the last jars, first jar was noticeably stronger with xtra bite and the middle 3 jars seemed the best of the bunch.
food grade corn vs feed corn - Home Distiller
2012年4月1日 · So as I'm getting ready to buy some corn for my first all grain, I have been on the fence about the feed vs food grade corn. Found many helpful theads that have used feed corn with great results. Is it mostly the overall yeild that is a bigger potentail in food grain corn? A 50 lb bag is 36$ food food grade up here. Thoughts Jar