Micrite | Limestone, Calcite, Dolomite | Britannica
Micrite, sedimentary rock formed of calcareous particles ranging in diameter from 0.06 to 2 mm (0.002 to 0.08 inch) that have been deposited mechanically rather than from solution. The particles, which consist of fossil materials, pebbles and granules of …
Micrite - Wikipedia
Micrite is a limestone constituent formed of calcareous particles ranging in diameter up to four μm formed by the recrystallization of lime mud. [1] [2] The term was coined in 1959 by Robert Folk for his carbonate rock classification system. [2] Micrite is derived from MICRocrystalline calcITE.
Micrite | Geology 1501 | ECU
Type Sedimentary Rock Origin Chemical-Biochemical Texture Nonclastic; Very Fine-grained Composition Calcite Color Black Miscellaneous Microcrystalline; Reacts with HCl; Hardness < Glass Depositional Environment Variable Depth Continental Shelf/Platform Marine
5.5: Classification of Sedimentary Rocks - Geosciences LibreTexts
2024年4月11日 · Clastic sedimentary rock (also called ‘detrital’ sedimentary rock) consists of sediment pieces (clasts/rock detritus) that come from weathered bedrock, cemented together to make a new rock. The clastic sediment is often referred to as “siliciclastic” because it is derived from the rocks of the crust which, as we have learned, is largely ...
Micrite limestone - James Madison University
2000年7月18日 · Micrite is the equivalent of clay (rock = shale) in clastics. Originally deposited as microscopic aragonite needles, but now converted to calcite and then calcite cemented to form the rock. See Origin of Micrite for more details. Dense, …
Carbonate Sedimentary Rock Classification - James Madison …
2000年10月26日 · Micrite is "lime mud", the dense, dull-looking sediment made of clay sized crystals of CaCO 3. Much micrite today forms from the breakdown of calcareous algae skeletons. It is not clear if all ancient micrites formed in the same way. Many carbonates are composed of nearly 100% micrite. Such rocks are simply called micrites.
Carbonates & Other Rocks - Tulane University
The micrite results from recrystallization of carbonate mud during diagenesis or from direct precipitation of calcite, and causes lithification of the sediment. The micrite gives the dull opaque appearance of most limestones as seen in hand specimen.
The matrix of carbonate rocks consists of either fine grained carbonate mud, called micrite. Or coarser grained calcite crystals formed during diagenesis, called sparite. Micrite is "lime mud", the dense, dull-looking sediment made of clay sized crystals of CaCO 3 .
Sedimentary rock - Limestones, Dolomites, Calcite | Britannica
2024年12月20日 · Micrite can occur either as matrix that fills or partly fills the interstitial pores between allochems or as the main component of a carbonate rock. It originates mainly as the result of organic activity: algae generate tiny needles of aragonite within their tissues, and after their death such needles fall to the depositional surface as ...
Micrite - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
A typical chalk is a fine-grained carbonate rock (a lime mudstone or micrite), the lithified equivalent of pelagic carbonate oozes recorded from ODP boreholes in present-day oceans. The sediment is dominated by debris derived from coccolithophorid algae that comprise a spherical calcareous test (coccosphere) up to several tens of microns in ...