Nirguna and Saguna - Chakras
There are two types of Bhakti – Nirguna and Saguna – and both are equally important. For as long as we are unable to understand God and the Master in both aspects, Nirguna and Saguna, and believe in them, we cannot attain MOKSHA (liberation). We should recognise and …
Nirguna Brahman and Saguna Brahman - Nature of Ultimate
Brahman can be known as Nirguna, a being without form or shape that has always existed. Brahman can be known as Saguna, which means that Brahman exists with form and shape and so can be seen....
Significance of Nirguna and Saguna - Wisdom Library
2024年12月2日 · Nirguna and Saguna refer to two fundamental aspects of the divine across various philosophical contexts in Indian tradition. Nirguna signifies the formless, transcendental nature of the divine, while Saguna represents its manifest, form-filled characteristics.
Nirguna and Saguna Brahman - Mahavidya
2015年3月4日 · There are two qualities or gunas of Brahman which are typically discussed by Hindu philosophers: Nirguna, meaning without qualities, and Saguna, meaning with qualities.
What Does God Look Like? Understanding the Nirguna and Saguna ...
The Two Faces of God: Nirguna and Saguna. Long ago, the sages who composed the Vedas meditated deeply to understand the nature of the divine. Their revelations pointed to a God who was formless, infinite, and beyond our senses—a concept known as Nirguna Brahman.
Nirguna and Saguna Two Aspects of God - THE HINDU PORTAL
2013年12月26日 · God can be experienced in two aspects – as NIRGUNA and SAGUNA . NIRGUNA is the eternal all-pervading and omnipresent divine consciousness. SAGUNA is the manifestation of God in form.
Brahman/Bhagavan – nirguna and saguna - Nature of God and ...
Nirguna Brahman can be known as Nirguna, a being without form or shape that has always existed. , which means ‘without form’ and ‘without qualities’. The second way of thinking of Brahman is....