Oklahoma Birds | Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation
From butterflies to frogs to snakes, many species turn their backs to winter and seek shelter, hibernate, or migrate; however, some remain that have adapted to the cold conditions. Jan 22, 2025 Donate today to help support Oklahoma's wildlife.
A Status Report on Oklahoma's Bird Populations | ODWC
2016年5月2日 · To help you navigate Oklahoma's bird life, we've compiled an assessment of the birds in six of Oklahoma's major ecoregions, with a special highlight on wetlands.
Birds | Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation
2024年3月21日 · Biologist Gets Up with the Birds to Track Status & Trends. The longstanding Breeding Bird Survey gives insights into Oklahoma’s avian populations. We tagged along with a biologist to count birds in southeastern OK. Jul 20, 2023
Wintering Birds | Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation
2024年11月22日 · When autumn finally gives in to winter, Oklahomans have to say goodbye to such things as fall colors and warm-weather bird species, including purple martins, scissor-tailed flycatchers and other avian summer residents.
Online Tools for Identifying Songbirds - Oklahoma Department of ...
2022年12月14日 · First, by answering a few simple questions about your observed bird, including the date and location of the sighting, and the bird’s main colors, body size, and the activity. Merlin then filters your answers and pulls results that best match.
Birding by the Season | ODWC - Oklahoma Department of Wildlife …
2018年3月1日 · More than 200 species of birds, from flycatchers and sparrows to nighthawks and vireos, raise their young within our state’s borders and offer months of bird-watching opportunities for Oklahoma’s residents.
Oklahoma Field Guide | Ok Dept. of Wildlife Conservation
Discover the diverse species of Oklahoma. See profiles on mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds, invertebrates, fish and invasive species
Dark-eyed Junco - Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation
The coloration of these birds is very distinctive and should not be confused with any other species common to bird feeders in Oklahoma. This is the only species with a combination of a dark upper body and white belly, yellow to pink bill and white outer tail feathers.
Interior Least Tern - Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation
The smallest North American member of the gull and tern family, least terns average 9 inches in length with a wingspan of 20 inches. These birds are slender and streamlined with a white breast and belly, a gray back, and long, narrow pointed wings. Adults have a black crown on the head.
Northern Cardinal - Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation
2017年1月29日 · This distinctive and familiar bird is one of the most sought after birds to backyard bird feeders. Males and females have very different plumage, but both sexes have a crest, a thin black “mask” around the bill and eyes, and a thick, orange-red bill.