Phlebitis in IV arm | HysterSisters
2007年5月5日 · Phlebitis in IV arm Hysterectomy Recovery (post hysterectomy) Hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the uterus.
Inflammation at IV Insertion Site after Hysterectomy
2008年2月29日 · Inflammation (phlebitis) occurs quite commonly after the insertion of intravenous catheters. Whether a patient is affected or not can depend on many things: the site of insertion, how long the catheter stays in, the type of material, the length of the catheter, and other contributory factors such as medical conditions.
Estrogen Options When There's a Blood Clot Risk
Arnold Advincula, M.D. Columbia Ob/Gyn Midtown 51 West 51st St, 3rd FL New York NY 10019 (855) 75-OBGYN: Debra Richardson, M.D.
Crossing legs after hysterectomy | HysterSisters
2010年10月31日 · HysterSisters.com is a massive online community with over 475,000 members and over 5 million posts. Our community is filled with women who have been through the Hysterectomy experience providing both advice and support …
blood clots in wrist area | HysterSisters
2006年8月19日 · They're not blood clots - they're inflamed areas of vein (phlebitis). If you do a forum search, you'll find loads of posts on the subject. I had an enormous lump, at the IV site, which took about 3-4 months to resolve itself. They do take a while to disappear, but will disappear eventually.
What is IV infiltration??? - HysterSisters Hysterectomy
2005年7月16日 · If a vein is infiltrated, its cool to the touch, puffy and blanched (because of the fluid). The symptoms you're describing, "soreness, puffiness, and tenderness further up your arm" indicate it could be something called 'phlebitis' which is inflammation of the vein. I advise you to call your doctor and tell him/her your symptoms.
Abdominal Hysterectomy - TAH/BSO - redlipstick's story, with VRE ...
redlipstick (12/12/99 4:05:20 pm) VRE Warning!!! (Vancomycin Resistant Enterococcus) My horrible experience I just had my TAH BSO on December 1st/99. I was
Tingle/pain shooting down leg | HysterSisters
2001年4月25日 · i have had pain on my inner thigh of my left leg since my surgery. doc has checked it for phlebitis and for clots but has found nothing. it also swells if i am on it too long. was told not to rub or massage it and to keep it elevated when it bothers me. if it swells up a great deal or changes color he wants to see me again.
Pain in arm above IV site? | HysterSisters
2003年4月15日 · I, too had pain in my wrist, actually still do (tah 3/24). I went to my DR and we presume it was a phlebitis caused by the iv. Nothing serious, but put on a strong antibiotic, you should check into it if pain doesn't go away.
What does IV infiltration mean??? - HysterSisters Hysterectomy
2002年12月31日 · » Phlebitis from IV infiltration. 3 Replies, Hysterectomy Recovery (post hysterectomy) » IV Infiltration ...