Top View Ranchu grooming - Site for Goldfish Keepers
Before talking about grooming, it is recommend to study ranchu terminologies. Black Baby Ranchu (BBR): A baby fish is called BBR when it starts eating bloodworm or pellet until it attain adult color. Kuroko is a Japanese term for BBR. Color Baby Ranchu (CBR): Once a baby fish is getting its adult color, the fish is called color baby ranchu.
Site for Goldfish Keepers - Lionchu
The Ranchu is considered the epitome of goldfish breeding in Japan, with fine examples costing in the hundreds or thousands of dollars. Japanese Ranchu Societies are common in Japan, and are generally reserved for members only – non-members may attend meetings and …
Fancy Goldfish Page 3 - Site for Goldfish Keepers
Fancy Goldfish - 3. In this page of Fancy Goldfish series, we will discuss about Lionhead, Ranchu, Bubble Eyes, Celestial, Wakin, Jikin and Tosakin . Lionhead. Like the Oranda, the Lionhead goldfish also has head growths. These are located in the same areas as those on the Oranda. However, the lionhead should have all three growth areas in balance.
Site for Goldfish Keepers
Understanding this issue, Goldfish Keepers provide reliable information on different types of goldfish diseases, how to diagnose the early symptoms and what are the courses of treatment. And that is not all!! If you are looking for professional advice on goldfish breeding, Goldfish Keepers is the best source of information for you.
Site for Goldfish Keepers - How to choose Side View Ranchu
When I first started this hobby back in the 80’s, getting reference and help for the hobby usually comes from the local fish shop. We usually accept whatever the local fish shop says, whether right or wrong. The internet did not exist, there was no goldfish forum and reference books cost a bomb (which still do today).
Goldfish Breeder Tour Series - VARanchu (Rob)
Rob is one of the famous ranchu breeders in the States and he is successfully breeding Matsuyama line of ranchu for almost 10 years already. Rob accepted my request for breeder tour and we met around 10 in the morning of June 1st, 2013. He lives at Northern Virginia right next to Washington DC.
Goldfish Hibernation - Site for Goldfish Keepers
Advantages Of Hibernating Your Goldfish. There are a number of different reasons why breeders prefer to hibernate their goldfish during the winter time. According to one breeder who specializes in the Ranchu variety of goldfish, “During hibernation, you do not feed your Ranchu and do no water changes unless necessary because of bad water ...
Age of the Ranchu Size of the Ranchu 5 days 7 mm 7 days 10 mm 2 weeks 13 mm 3 weeks 16 mm 1 month 20 mm 2 months 40 mm 3 months 60 mm 4 months 80 mm 5 months 100 mm 6 months 120 mm 7 months 130 mm Show Tosai Ranchu should be at least 100 mm in length by September. High quality Show Ranchu at All Japan Ranchu Show are approximately 130 mm.
American Ranchu Society Article I - Name and Purpose of the Organization Section A - The name of the organization shall be the American Ranchu Society, hereinafter “ARS”. Section B - The purpose of the organization will be: 1) promote the Japanese-style top-view ranchu goldfish (hereinafter “TVR”) hobby within North America,
The Goldfish Connection is a proud sponsor of the American Goldfish Association, providing funding for shows, awards and educational opportunities to goldfish hobbyists. The Goldfish Connection updates and maintains one of the longest-running goldfish-specific sites on the web, located at: www.goldfishconnection.com.