Recorder Fingering Charts - American Recorder Society
This includes the fingerings for all sizes of recorders and variations, as well as diatonic scales, chromatic fingerings, multiple alternative fingerings, and trill fingerings, and is available in 16 languages.
Recorder Scales 【Best Site to Learn Recorder】
Recorder Scales for Beginners. We will play the C Major scale upwards and then we will play the C Major scale downwards. Pay attention to the sound and do not run at the beginning, practicing these scales you will develop enough technique to play all …
Fingering Chart for Alto Recorder Baroque (English) Fingering F F# Gb G G# Ab A A# Bb B C C# Db D D# Eb E F F# Gb G G# Ab A A# bwBb right hand left hand [ American Recorder Society • P.O. Box 480054, Charlotte, NC 28269-5300 • www.americanrecorder.org Phone: 1-704-509-1422 • Toll Free: 1-844-509-1422 • Fax: 1-866-773-1538 • Email ...
Recorder Method - Dolmetsch
On the recorder the easiest scale is that of the key note on your recorder - on the treble/alto recorder this scale is F major. As a general guide, scales become more difficult the greater the number of sharps or flats in their key signatures.
Recorder Notes Chart |Fingering Chart | ALL NOTES
This Recorder fingering chart is based on the soprano recorder. We are going to study first the natural notes and then in another table we are going to present you the altered notes, that is to say, the sharp notes and flats notes.
Improve Your Recorder Technique - Ted's List
By knowing your scales well, your muscle memory will instinctively know how to play fast runs without needing to spend hours practising it. As a recorder player, this is very helpful as we are often asked to play fast, virtuosic music as soloists.
Recorder Fingering Chart (PDF Download) - Professional Composers
You will now learn to play all notes on your Recorder with this complete fingering chart. If you want to download this fingering chart as a PDF, that you can save on your computer or print out to use for your learning, practicing or simply.
On-line Resources - American Recorder Society
This includes the fingerings for all sizes of recorders and variations, as well as diatonic scales, chromatic fingerings, multiple alternative fingerings, and trill fingerings, and is available in 16 languages.
Scale of C major Advanced Scales for Recorders in F (Version 2 - 10 May 2007) Scale of G major Scale of D major Scale of A major Scale of F major Scale of Bb major Scale of Eb major Chromatic Scale Scale of E major Scale of B major. Scale …
Scales + Improvising | Recorder | WindTab
How to play scales and improvise on Recorder - with Tab and backing tracks for free!