Relativistic Electrons: Kinetic Energy & 20keV Threshold - Physics …
2005年5月10日 · But its more than simply 'relativistic', it becomes an 'impossibility'. Start with the classical spin angular momentum L = I[itex]\omega[/itex]. Then substitute in values for electron spin angular momentum, solid spherical moment of inertia I, and angular velocity [itex]\omega=\frac{v}{R}[/itex], and R=classical electron radius as previously given.
Learn the Relativistic Work-Kinetic Energy Theorem - Physics Forums
2015年8月23日 · Using the relativistic energy-momentum four-vector. A more modern approach is as follows. Suppose that we’ve already determined the properties of the energy-momentum four-vector. This includes the relativistic definition of mass, ##m^2=E^2-p^2##, and also the identity ##p/E=v##. Then is becomes pretty straightforward to show that ##W=Fd## is ...
QFT vs. Relativistic quantum mechanics - Physics Forums
2011年4月26日 · Relativistic quantum mechanics is the quantum theory of processes that are (at least approximately) Poincare invariant. Relativistic quantum field theory is the intersection of these theories. It is the quantum theory of field operators …
Cutoff Point for Relativistic Effects - Physics Forums
2009年12月28日 · I think most people usually refer to the "extreme relativistic limit" as the point where a particle's momentum is much greater than its mass, and the "non-relativistic limit" as when the momentum is much smaller than the mass. This comes from the relativistic energy formula: [tex]E = \sqrt{(pc)^2+(mc^2)^2}[/tex]
Relativistic inelastic collisions? - Physics Forums
2011年1月3日 · Note that since it's inelastic, the rest masses will be different after than before the collision. That means that the approach wil3 originally proposed, of just using conservation of relativistic 3-momentum, won't be sufficient. Actually, it seems to me that the relativistic version of this problem has no unique solution.
Derive p^2/2m from relativistic equations - Physics Forums
2016年5月7日 · Given the relativistic equation for energy E 2 = (pc) 2 + (mc 2) 2 I want to find the non-relativistic approximation for kinetic energy in non-relativistic terms, K nr = p 2 /2m I start off with subtracting the rest energy E 0 =mc 2 from the above equation. So K = E - E 0 and assume that c is very large. I've messed around for hours on the ...
Relativistic de Broglie Wavelength - Physics Forums
2005年3月25日 · This is because in non-relativistic case the rest mass is not considered in the Energy term. So, if you can find a method for measuring the phase velocity of a particle, it would be another criterion for the validity of relativistic theory.
Relativistic calculations - when to use them? - Physics Forums
2008年8月13日 · Essentially, when should I use relativistic calculations (considering gamma in equations like momentum, speed, length, etc.)? Homework Equations γ = 1/sqroot(1 - v^2/c^2), and dependent equations The Attempt at a Solution My teacher says that this should only be used for cases where "it makes a difference", and uses "like, 99% of c" as his ...
Resolve Paradox: Relativistic Snake Cut or Unhurt? - Physics Forums
2005年9月21日 · A relativistic snake, of proper length 100cm is traveling across a table at V = 0.6c. To tease the snake, a student holds two ends of a cleaver 100cm apart and plans to bounce them simultaneously on so that the left one lands just behind the snake's tail.
What is relativistic mass and why it is not used much? - Physics …
2015年8月9日 · It happens that the term relativistic mass is used, in particular in the introductory text on special relativity. It should be noted that whether or not to use relativistic mass to a large extent is a matter of convention, convenience, and semantics as long as it is used properly and does not have any impact on the predictions of special ...