What Is the Torah? What Is the Pentateuch? - JW.ORG
What is in the Torah, or Pentateuch? The history of God’s dealings with humankind from creation to the death of Moses. —Genesis 1: 27, 28; Deuteronomy 34:5. The regulations of the Mosaic Law. (Exodus 24:3) That Law is made up of more than 600 statutes. Prominent among them is the Shema, or Jewish confession of faith.
Pentateuch - JW.ORG
The Pentateuch is a most important segment of God’s written Word, furnishing a solid foundation upon which much that follows firmly rests. Its first book, Genesis, gives us the inspired account of creation and also traces man’s history from Eden down through much of the patriarchal era to the death of Joseph (“in the beginning” to 1657 ...
Pentateuch (Torah) - Definition and Meaning | Bible Dictionary
Pentateuch. This term comes from a Greek word (pentateukhos) meaning ‘Five Rolls’ or ‘Five Volumes’ and refers to the first five books of the Bible—Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.
Samaritan Pentateuch - Definition and Meaning | Bible Dictionary
The oldest existing manuscripts of the Samaritan Pentateuch date from the 9th and 11th centuries C.E. However, the origins of these texts extend much further into the past. Scholars estimate that this version was first produced sometime between the fourth and second centuries B.C.E. Copies of these manuscripts were passed from generation to ...
Pentateuch | Bibellexikon - JW.ORG
Der Pentateuch gewährt wertvolle Einblicke in den Ursprung der Menschheit und den Sündenfall. Auch machen die darin festgehaltenen Gesetze Jehovas Liebe zu seinem Volk deutlich, denn sie führten die Israeliten zu demjenigen, der die Sünde mitsamt ihren Auswirkungen beseitigen würde: Jesus Christus ( Gal 3:24; Heb 10:1 ).
Pentateuchus (Tóra) – Jelentés és magyarázat | Bibliai szótár
Pentateuchus. A Biblia első öt könyvét, melyet Mózes írt, úgy is hívják, hogy Pentateuchus, mely szó azt jelenti, hogy ’öt tekercs’ vagy ’ötrészes könyv’.
Čo je Tóra? Čo je Pentateuch? - JW.ORG
Čo obsahuje Tóra, čiže Pentateuch? Záznam o tom, ako Boh zaobchádzal s ľuďmi od stvorenia po Mojžišovu smrť. (1. Mojžišova 1:27, 28; 5. Mojžišova 34:5) Predpisy Mojžišovho zákona. (2. Mojžišova 24:3) Tento zákon tvorí viac ako 600 nariadení. Veľmi významné je nariadenie známe ako Šema, čiže židovské vyznanie viery.
Pentateukh (Taurat) -Definisi dan Arti | Kamus Alkitab - JW.ORG
Pentateukh. Dari kata Yunani pentateukhos (lima gulungan; lima jilid), maksudnya lima buku pertama di Alkitab: Kejadian, Keluaran, Imamat, Bilangan, Ulangan.
Ano ang Torah? Ano ang Pentateuch? - JW.ORG
Ano ang nasa Torah, o Pentateuch? Ang kasaysayan ng mga pakikitungo ng Diyos sa mga tao mula sa paglalang hanggang sa kamatayan ni Moises.—Genesis 1:27, 28; Deuteronomio 34:5. Mga tuntunin ng Kautusang Mosaiko. Ang Kautusang iyon ay binubuo ng mahigit 600 batas. Pangunahin sa mga ito ang Shema, o kapahayagan ng pananampalatayang Judio.
Wat is de Thora? Wat is de Pentateuch? - JW.ORG
Deze boeken worden ook wel de Pentateuch genoemd, wat komt van een Grieks woord dat ‘vijfdelige schriftrol’ betekent. De Thora werd door Mozes geschreven en wordt daarom het ‘boek van de wet van Mozes’ genoemd (Jozua 8:31; Nehemia 8:1). Blijkbaar was de Thora oorspronkelijk als één boek geschreven maar werd hij later verdeeld zodat ...