Thrustmaster – Technical support website
Welcome to Thrustmaster support website. Access technical support, updates, and downloads for your Thrustmaster products.
T.Flight Hotas 4 – Thrustmaster
If you are using the T.Flight Hotas 4 on PC (Windows® 10,11), it is imperative that you first install the corresponding PC driver (should you fail to do so, some axes and/or buttons will not work properly).
T150 Force Feedback – Thrustmaster
[Package 2021_TTRS_4]: - Added T-BOOST function on PC (for all Thrustmaster Racing Wheels) * The T-BOOST function improves on PC your performance by offering a more accurate feeling of the road - Fixed a force feedback issue (for all Thrustmaster Racing Wheels) with F1 2021 - PC- Added new firmware for the T248-PS Racing Wheel: * T248-PS - new ...
TMX Force Feedback – Thrustmaster
Also requires to install new Firmware on Thrustmaster Bases: [V33 for T300] - [V10 for T-GT] - [V13 for TS-PC] - [V58 for TX] - [V8 for TS-XW] [2021_TTRS_1] - Added new firmware for many Thrustmaster Force Feedback wheels.
T.Flight Hotas One – Thrustmaster
Release notes - Drivers - Package 2025_TFHT_1 + Firmware [System Requirement: Windows® 10 / 11]
T248 (PS4/PS5/PC) – Thrustmaster
**INSTALLATION**: 1- Double-click the installation file (2024_TTRS_1.exe) to proceed with the installation. 2- Follow the instructions displayed onscreen. 3- When done: * Select Start/All Apps/Thrustmaster/FFB Racing Wheel/Control Panel.
T-GT II - Thrustmaster
**INSTALLATION**: 1- Double-click the installation file (2024_TTRS_1.exe) to proceed with the installation. 2- Follow the instructions displayed onscreen. 3- When done: * Select Start/All Apps/Thrustmaster/FFB Racing Wheel/Control Panel.
Joysticks – Thrustmaster
Find support and information for Thrustmaster joysticks.
TX Racing Wheel Leather Edition – Thrustmaster
Check out the important note and information here: http://ts.thrustmaster.com/download/accessories/Manuals/T_LCM/T-LCM_RJ12-pedal_set_mode_detection.pdf [2020_TTRS_1] - Added new firmware for many Thrustmaster Force Feedback wheels (and support for the T-LCM Pedals when connected to the RJ12 port …
Check the firmware of my racing wheel base – Thrustmaster
2024年11月7日 · Make sure your PC has the latest driver available for your racing wheel. If necessary, you will find the link to the latest DRIVERS FORCE FEEDBACK driver in the Driver section on your racing wheel page: https://support.thrustmaster.com/