约 3 个结果
Trichophagia - DermNet
Trichophagia is the repeated ingestion of hair most commonly associated with compulsive hair pulling (trichotillomania). It can involve eating parts of one’s own hair (such as the roots or tips) or whole strands of hair.
Trichotillomania - DermNet
Trichobezoar (undigested hair balls) is a rare but potentially life-threatening complication of trichotillomania, which results from ingestion of pulled hair (trichophagia). It may present with abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and constipation. It may also cause bowel obstruction or …
Hair loss, balding, hair shedding, alopecia - DermNet
Complications of hair loss. Whatever the type of hair loss, it may be extremely distressing and embarrassing, reducing the quality of life and causing psychosocial problems.