What is a Tympanic Membrane Retraction? - WebMD
2023年5月28日 · What is a Tympanic Membrane Retraction? A tympanic membrane retraction, or retracted eardrum, is a condition where the tympanic membrane, or eardrum, gets pulled toward the middle of your...
Retracted Eardrum: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment - Cleveland Clinic
2023年5月23日 · A retracted eardrum is when an air imbalance pulls or sucks in your tympanic membrane (eardrum) toward the middle of your ear. This happens when the air pressure inside of your ear and outside of your ear isn’t equal. Certain …
Retracted Eardrum Causes, Symptoms, Causes, & Treatment
2023年6月28日 · A retracted eardrum is one that is pulled deeper into the middle ear than is normal. As a result, this thin piece of tissue (also known as the tympanic membrane) can no longer separate the middle and outer ear as it should.
Tympanic membrane retraction - Wikipedia
Tympanic membrane retraction describes a condition in which a part of the eardrum lies deeper within the ear than its normal position. The eardrum comprises two parts: the pars tensa, which is the main part of the eardrum, and the pars flaccida, which is a smaller part of the eardrum located above the pars tensa. Either or both of these parts ...
Retracted Eardrum: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment - Healthline
2018年5月15日 · Sometimes, your eardrum gets pushed inward toward your middle ear. This condition is known as a retracted eardrum. You might also see it referred to as tympanic membrane atelectasis.
The Natural Course of Tympanic Membrane Retractions in the ...
Tympanic membrane retraction (TMR) is a condition in which part of the tympanic membrane is retracted into the middle ear cavity (also called retraction pocket) and is frequently seen in (pediatric) otorhinolaryngology.
Tympanic membrane retraction | Radiology Reference Article ...
2018年8月4日 · Tympanic membrane retraction usually occurs when a portion of the tympanic membrane becomes weakened and is pulled inwards by the negative pressure within the middle ear. As the tympanic membrane is pulled inwards (medially), it can become draped over the ossicles, resulting in a variety of symptoms.
What Is Tympanic Membrane Retraction? - iCliniq
2023年6月2日 · Tympanic membrane retraction arises due to the formation of a refraction pocket in the middle ear cavity. The condition occurs mainly due to eustachian tube dysfunction , which causes negative pressure in the middle ear.
Retracted Eardrum - Definition, Symptoms, Causes and Treatment
2021年1月3日 · Sometimes, a retraction area in the form of a pocket towards the middle ear occurs as a result of prolonged exposure to negative pressure in a limited area of the eardrum, and this situation is called "tympanic membrane retraction pocket".
Pathogenesis of Retraction Pocket of the Tympanic Membrane…
Retraction pocket (RP) of the tympanic membrane is a common entity, especially in children. The danger of RP lies in ossicular chain erosion (Figure 1), cholesteatoma formation and potentially life-threatening complications of cholesteatoma. No consensus exists about the optimal treatment.