Wayang - Wikipedia
Wayang is the traditional puppet theatre of Indonesia. [15][3][6] It is an ancient form of storytelling known for its elaborate puppets and complex musical styles. [16] . The earliest evidence of wayang comes from medieval-era texts and archeological sites …
Wayang | Shadow Puppetry, Folklore & Mythology | Britannica
Wayang, (Javanese: “shadow”), classical Javanese puppet drama that uses the shadows thrown by puppets manipulated by rods against a translucent screen lit from behind. Developed before the 10th century, the form had origins in the thalubomalata, the leather puppets of southern India.
The History of Indonesian Puppet Theater (Wayang)
Wayang kulit, shadow puppetry using figures made from water buffalo hide, is considered to be the oldest freestanding puppet form; the earliest references to it date from the 800s.
A Look Into The History of Wayang — Google Arts & Culture
Wayang, a classical Javanese shadow puppet performance was known to be developed since before the 10th century. Wayang is renowned for its elaborate and orchestrated performance and this...
Wayang kulit - Wikipedia
Wayang kulit is one of the many different forms of wayang theatre found in Indonesia; the others include wayang beber, wayang klitik, wayang golek, wayang topeng, and wayang wong. Wayang kulit is among the best known, offering a unique combination of ritual, lesson and entertainment.
What is Wayang: Uncovering History, Culture, and Mythology
Originating in Indonesia, wayang draws inspiration from Hindu epics like the Mahabharata and Ramayana and local folklore. A dalang, or puppet master, maneuvers the puppets, narrates, and conducts the gamelan orchestra, showcasing exceptional artistry.
Wayang - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
Wayang (berasal dari bahasa Jawa: ꦮꦪꦁ, translit. wayang, har. 'bayangan') adalah seni pertunjukkan tradisional asli Indonesia yang berasal Dari Jawa dan berkembang pesat di pulau Jawa dan Bali.
Wayang - World Encyclopedia of Puppetry Arts
Wayang is the traditional theatre of Java, Sunda (West Java), Bali, Lombok, Sumatra, Kalimantan in Indonesia and Malaysia that have been influenced by Javanese culture. The term wayang is usually said to come from bayang (shadow), and shadow theatre puppetry is considered the model for other forms of this puppet, mask or dance performance.
Indonesia Puppetry: The Art Of Wayang
2024年4月30日 · Indonesia puppetry, particularly the art of Wayang, is one of the most significant traditional art forms in Indonesia, recognized globally for its intricate craftsmanship and philosophical depth.
Wayang puppet theatre - intangible heritage - Culture Sector ...
2021年9月9日 · Renowned for its elaborate puppets and complex musical styles, this ancient form of storytelling originated on the Indonesian island of Java. For ten centuries wayang flourished at the royal courts of Java and Bali as well as in rural areas.