how to use if else in xquery assignment - Stack Overflow
That's because in XQuery's conditional expression specification else-expression is always required: [45] IfExpr ::= "if" "(" Expr ")" "then" ExprSingle "else" ExprSingle So you have to …
How XQuery is actually used? - Stack Overflow
For example: Zorba provides such an API for PHP, and there is the XQuery API for Java etc. If your XML data is stored in an XML database server that supports XQuery, then you would …
an example of Xquery with "AND" operator , please
2010年8月11日 · I think Xquery has not the "AND" operator and i cant do this: if node1 = xxx and node2 = yyy and node3 = zzz then replace node3 with www
XQuery : how to try if a list contains a given string?
2014年4月21日 · Xquery - How to match two sequences within a quantifier expression. Related. 0. A question on contains ...
xml - Put each XQuery result on a new line - Stack Overflow
2012年2月8日 · The XQuery 3.1 Serialization specification provides the new "adaptive" serialization mode, which outputs each XQuery result on a new line. Some XQuery processors …
how to select attribute value of a node in XQuery?
In below XML: <company> <customers> <customer cno="2222"> <cname>Charles</cname> <street>123 Main St.</street> <city>Wichita</city> <zip>67226</zip> <phone>316-636 ...
XQuery: extract number from string to use in comparison
2016年10月12日 · I need to write an XQuery statement that returns all nodes where the numerical value in size is less than say 1000. So I somehow need to determine this numerical value …
exist db - element() vs. node() in XQuery - Stack Overflow
2011年12月19日 · Avoid XQuery processors that use static type checking. (Sorry for the snarky conclusion; I feel I've earned the right. NEW ANSWER BASED ON UPDATED …
xml - How to use or in Xquery - Stack Overflow
2013年2月18日 · When you write contains((,) or (,) ) you are seemingly using or on a syntactical level, giving two different to the xquery parser. That is not possible in Xquery, or generally …
Sum using XQuery - Stack Overflow
2015年4月25日 · There are two differences to the XML snippets in your question: I changed the floating point seperator to points (which is required, of course you could do this using some …