ZS Liang Art
See more of Z.S. Liang's works in his first publication containing over 70 full color, high-quality paintings. In collaboration with writer and painter Tom Saubert, the informative text in conjunction to each painting describes the historical period as well as Liang's approach to his artwork.
Solitary Hunter | ZS Liang Art
The lone hunter as a true son of Mother Nature, pitting hi mself against the odds, is a powerful ad fascinating story, especially when told by Z.S. Liang.
Recent Works | ZS Liang Art
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Cheyenne Burning of Ft. Phil Kearny | ZS Liang Art
Red Cloud gave the honor of destroying Fort Kearny to Little Wolf, Chief of the Cheyenne, shortly after the Army’s departure. The smoke from the fires could be seen by the retreating US Army personnel as the fled the area.
Compassion for the Enemy | ZS Liang Art
Knowing that such acts were rare among primitive people vying for advantage and territory, Z.S. Liang became intrigued by the story. The universal truth of forgiveness in conflict resolution became the inspiration for this painting.
Cheyenne Warrior | ZS Liang Art
This portrait vignette exudes a resolute and ascendant strength of character, from the expressive depths of the face, to the regal crown of a chieftain that he wears.
Pride of the Lakota | ZS Liang Art
After reading an early account of a warrior chief of the Two Kettles tribe known as Black Rock, which chronicled the chief's accomplishments and many battle honors, the artist was inspired to create this painting.
Overlooking Two Medicine River | ZS Liang Art
Its sheer size and mystery have captivated artists since early in its discovery and exploration. Men like Catlin, Bodmer, Audubon, Sohon, Kurz, Wimar, Bierstadt, and Moran came west to record these boundless and beautiful lands.
The Sash Bearer | ZS Liang Art
Chosen to stand and fight or succumb in combat, such is the fate of this Lakota warrior. His bonnet, shield, and "society" lance mark him as a member of the warrior society known as The Dogs or Miwatani.
Searching for the Rogue Bear | ZS Liang Art
Bears are shy, solitary creatures by nature, yet they are major predators in the forest food chain. At times, for no apparent reason, one of these big bruins will turn rogue, become vicious and destructive, and unafraid of man.